Chapter 1

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Being seventeen officially sucked. The reasons being A: I had much more work around the house. B: I had to now look after my siblings whenever my parents were out of the house. C: After two years of going to school and being bullied because I drink peoples blood, have night vision and are faster than half the school combined, my parents got be a private tutor which is no fun.

You might be wondering what happened to me after I hid in the storage room. Well, I manage to hide there for half the day - wishing for the world to forget about me - until my father found me. I still had the blood around my mouth, and when he saw me, he nearly had a fit. I tried running away again, but was soon caught by guards. Locked in my room for seven hours, I waited for my family to decide what to do with me. I was let out and kept under heavy guard for the rest of the day.

Life proceeded normally after that, except for school. It turned out the message had spread quickly and everyone had heard of the cooks murder. I was shunned, bullied and avoided for the rest of my school life - people calling monster, freak and murderer. I didn't get angry at them, didn't tell them to shut it, because it was true. It wasn't until my second semester that year, that my mother decided to take me out of school and send me to a private tutor.

And about the blood drinking. That hasn't gone away. Three times a month, I will have to take blood from an innocent, leaving them dead and discarded once I've finished. I threw away the broach after the fifth week after I had attacked the cook, thinking it was what had made me become a monster, but it did nothing.

"Penelope, can I come in?" The voice came from the hallway outside my new room. It sounded like mother.

"Wait a second, mother!"I called. "I've only just woken up."

OK, buy be quick. Your father wants to talk to all of us about something. He said it was important."

"It's always important, isn't it mother?" I sighed as I got out of bed and walked towards the mirror on the west-facing side of my room. This was my normal morning procedure - get up, check myself in the mirror and if I  changed to much, go down to breakfast.

The reason for checking myself in the mirror was because ever since that fateful day, my appearance would sometimes change overnight. Today, I looked almost normal - my black hair was a bit too long for my taste, but I can't be too fussy. I looked a little taller and paler as well. Not much, but you would still notice it if you were a couple of feet away.

I slipped a robe over my night gown and opened the door to let my mother in. "Well, good morning Penny," she said in a happy voice. She almost never spoke like this, unless she was nervous or asking for an almost impossible favor.

"Mother? What is it you want to tell me, besides father's 'important' announcement? You never come up here."

"Um... I just wanted to see how you were going, if everything was fine, you know," she said, coming into my room and plonking herself down on my four-poster bed. Her face turned serious, all the happiness gone. "When was the last time you drank."

"Mother! You know I have never had alcohol in my life!" I joked, trying to ease the tension away.

"Don't try to avoid the subject. You know what I mean. If it has been at least a month we will have to get you blood soon. Who knows what will happen if you go without blood for a certain amount of time? You could become dangerous! A murderer!" She looked frightened, shocked.

 Had she already forgotten? "Mother, I already am dangerous and a murderer. But you can keep telling yourself that I am as human as the rest of you, if you please, that I have not already killed more than thirty people. You just go on thinking that I am still your little girl, not some monster who drains the life blood out of poor innocents."

Rum Flavored Blood ~ a Pirates Of The Caribbean fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now