2. Coffee

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"Sir, we reached the airport", the Uber driver said gently.  Eddy doesn't know when he dozed off and it took a few seconds to realize where he was.  After paying the driver he gathered his belongings and stepped onto the sidewalk.  DEPARTURES was written above some sliding doors in big yellow letters. He extended the handle on his suitcase and proceeded to wind his jacket haphazardly through it so he doesn't need to carry it.

As he stepped through the sliding doors he was surprised by the sudden onslaught of noise. People talking, children yelling in pleasure as they ran around, periodic announcements, the clinking of cups and the hissing of a coffee maker. He stared at the departures and arrivals screen. So many destinations, some he never heard of in his life.

Coffee. It smelled so good. He strolled over and took his spot at the end of the queue.  He ordered a flat white. He gave his name and then moved over to the waiting area. He noticed a shorter Asian man around his age shifting from one foot to another. Like he was in a hurry to go somewhere. He had round, black-rimmed glasses on and his hair was all over the place.

"Brettttt", one of the servers said after a while, holding up a cup. The guy stepped forward to take his order and moved over to the condiment table to add sugar. "Eddy", the server said. He stepped up to take his order. He doesn't drink sugar, so he turned to go and find a spot to sit and enjoy his first coffee for the day.

Just then the be-speckled man he now knows is called Brett, returned to the counter. "This is not my order", he said. "It was supposed to be black coffee". Then Eddy noticed for the first time the cup he was holding was awfully dark looking for a flat white. He returned to the counter and held out the cup to Brett. "I think ours got mixed up", he said. Brett looked at him briefly, took the cup and handed him the other one. He mumbled something as he turned and made his way back to the condiment table. Eddy shrugged his shoulders and made his way over to a small table near the viewing deck.

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