18. Comfort

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Eddy took a long, hot bath once he was alone in his room.  There were all kinds of small bottles placed on the rim, and he smelled them all one by one before pouring some fruity one in the bath for bubbles.  He dipped his head under the water and washed his hair.  Then he just lay there enjoying the warm comfort until he felt like a raisin. 

He put on clean clothes.  Track suit pants and a loose T-shirt.  He unpacked the clean clothes from his suitcase into the cupboard, put the dirty clothes in the suitcase, and put it in the bottom of the cupboard.  He looked at the time on his phone.  Almost 7.  He slipped on some sandals.  As soon as he opened his door he could smell the most amazing aromas.  He didn't even realize he was hungry until now.

Sue prepared a traditional beef stew and yellow rice.  Eddy devoured it.  There's nothing like home cooked food.  He just put down his fork when Sue got up and went to the kitchen.  "We have a visitor", she called from the kitchen.  Eddy didn't even hear the knocking on the kitchen door. 
"Johan, your remember the young one from next door? The one who played violin?", she said as she enter the dining room.  Behind her followed Brett.  Eddy nearly knocked his plate of the table.

"Good evening, I didn't mean to disturb dinner.  I just wanted to come and see how Eddy is settling in.  We met on the flight over here", Brett explained.  "No bother, we just finished.  Will you stay for some tea?" Johan asked.  "Actually, Eddy, I was wondering if you want to come for a walk.  I can show you around a bit".  "Excellent idea, wait, I get you your keys.  I forgot to give it to you earlier", Sue said.  "OK, I .. umm .. shoes", Eddy stuttered as he rushed to his room.  He returned a few minutes later with his phone in his hand.

As they stepped into the street, Eddy was amazed it wasn't dark yet, as it was almost 9PM.

"You have some explaining to do.  Why didn't you tell me you lived next door?"
"Well, then I wouldn't have had the joy of seeing your surprise just now".
"Not fair".

They strolled down the street slowly as the street lights started to light up one by one.  Some kids were playing football in an empty plot, kicking up dust and shrieking in joy.  They passed some uncles playing cards at a small table on the sidewalk.  Further down, some aunties were sitting on the front steps of a bright blue house, talking.

When they reached the bottom of the street, Eddy could see numerous little cafes in front of them. "Coffee?", Brett asked. Eddy nodded as they crossed the street.  They went to sit at a table a bit further away from the other noisy patrons.  The table had only two chairs.  A candle was flickering in a glass.  Other than that, the area was only lit up by the street lamps on the either side of the street.

"How is your father doing", Eddy asks.  Brett leans back in his chair and puts his hands behind his head.  "I'm worried to be honest.  He's not himself.  He can hardly sit upright in a chair".  He leans forward.  Resting his head in one hand. "I need to find a way to get him to see a specialist.  They are both against it though".

"Did they say why?", Eddy asks with concern.
Brett circled the rim of his coffee cup with one finger and said "It's not really any rational reason. Dad believes the doctors just want to take his money for something that's not that serious. But I am concerned. He is not himself. Don't know how to put it. Like he's not all there. Not alert. Not reasoning like he used to".

"Dude, that's sad. I don't know how to help. But you can always talk if you need to. And I guess, since you happened to be my neighbor for a few days, it should be easy". Brett looked up in surprise. "What do you mean a few days?"
"I only booked the guesthouse for 2 days. Guess I thought after that I would know what place I want to see next and move on".
"Oh. Guess that made sense.  There is quite a lot to see and do. Do you have any idea where you want to go next?"

For about 2 hours they discussed different places that might interest Eddy. The discussion was accompanied by lots of coffee. Brett knew it was a mistake, as tomorrow would be the first day at the shop, and it could be very tiring. At around 11pm he decided it's best to get some sleep. "I will have to go and get some rest. Tomorrow is the first day in the shop". Eddy nodded as they got up and started their way back.

Brett pointed to the left, down the street. "I never actually showed you around. Down that side, two blocks, you turn right. After around 5 minutes of walking, you will find Green Market Square. It will be a nice place for you to explore tomorrow".
"Thanks, I think I will do that", Eddy said.

As they reached the guesthouse, Brett tilted his head sideways and said "Good night. Hope you have a great time tomorrow".
"Brett. Stay strong. I know it's not easy, but things always seem to work out somehow", Eddy said, as he opened the gate leading to the side door.

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