8. Checkmate

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"OK.  Let me pick something real difficult", Brett said.  He's been testing Eddy's knowledge for the past hour.  Turbulence long forgotten.  "Why is it, that no matter what color shampoo is, the foam is always white?"  Eddy giggled. "That's easy. When the shampoo mixes with the water and foams up, it forms almost translucent thin surfaces. But because there's so many of these little surfaces scattering the light, it will always appear white." Brett stakes his head and smiles. "Dang. I've never met anyone who knows so much about so much".

They sit in silence for a few minutes until both catch the aroma of food. In the front of their section the air hostesses started serving passengers. Both put their seats up and pulled down the trays from the seat in front. "Chicken or beef?" Eddy chooses chicken and Brett takes the beef. As they eat, Brett gets lost in his thoughts. 

He is amazed at how naturally the conversation flowed between him and Eddy.  It usually takes him a long time to warm up to someone.  The way they spent the first part of the flight talking about anything and everything felt, well, comfortable?

"You want to play some chess against me?" Eddy asked after the trays are removed.  "I don't know how to play".  "What?  Then I definitely have to teach you".  They remove the hand controllers from the socket below their monitors and each navigate to the chess game.  Eddy starts a new match between him and seat G12, where Brett is sitting.  All the while he is explaining the different pieces and what they can and cannot do. 

Eddy leans over slightly so he has access to Brett's monitor.  "This is you on the left.  All your pieces are white.  White moves first.  You see the little ones in the front? They are your pawns.  You can move them one step any direction.  Pick one, then it's my turn".  Brett moves one from the middle area.  He's really not that interested in chess.  But there's 3 hours of flying left, and somehow he doesn't mind spending time with Eddy.  They laugh together at the rookie mistakes and Brett pouts profusely every time Eddy wins.

"Final match", Eddy says.  "You know the rules now so no more help from me".  Eddy has the first turn.  Brett is a bit nervous, like he has something to prove now.  He tries to think ahead at what Eddy is planning so he can prepare his moves accordingly.  One by one their pieces leave the board until there's only 3 on Brett's side and 5 for Eddy. 

Eddy makes a move that he immediately regrets as Brett swiftly kicks the piece off the board.  Brett inches his way closer to Eddy's King.  Eddy tries to retreat, but it opens up a gap for Brett.  He moves his Queen in line with Eddy's King.  Eddy moves his castle in between for cover.  Brett moves his Knight on the other side so the King is vulnerable again.  Eddy stares at Brett for a few seconds, then he presses the button showing he concedes.  Brett won.  And he's giggling like a little girl whilst kicking his legs in pleasure. 

Eddy holds out his hand to Brett.  "Well done".  Brett grips his hand firmly with a smile, which quickly freezes.  He did not expect the effect the physical touch would have on him.  He blushes slightly as he pulls his hand away.  He's thankful that it is dark in the cabin now.

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