4. Boarding

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Eddy is strolling past numerous shops, trying to find one where he can buy an inexpensive bag to keep all his stuff in.  Not that money is tight, but he figured he'd better keep a nest egg if he was going to live in another country for a few months, possibly forever.  He might not be able to get work there, or maybe as a foreigner he might not be allowed to work there. 

He spots a small curio shop.  They are usually cheaper than all the brand names around him.  From a distance a bag on a rotating stand catches his eye immediately.  It has a picture of clouds with a violin with wings.  The violin had pasted on googly eyes and a creepy smile was painted between the two f-holes.  It's the worst depiction of a violin he has seen is in his life.  It was perfect.  He pays for the bag and then finally drops all his belongings inside.  He closes the zip and slings it over his shoulder.  Much better.

As he passes by a bookshop, he decides to get some reading material.  26 hours of travel is not a joke, and he hates flying.  If there's nothing good to watch in-flight, he could at least read something.  His favorite is non-fiction.  Science, crime, useless facts.  He strolls through the isles until he reaches the reference section.  THE BIG BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE.  A very thick purple book with a blue brain on the cover.  He flips through the pages.  The book has very detailed articles about every topic he could think of.  It has only black and white illustrations throughout, but that's fine.  He pays for the book and adds it to the contents of his sling bag.  He takes out his passport with the tickets tucked inside to check his gate.  A312.

As he exits the bookshop he looks around to see where he was. Signboards overhead showed the way to sections E and F to the left and right and all the others straight ahead. He starts walking. And walking. And walking. He never realized how big the airport is. He probably should have done less strolling and made his way to the boarding gate sooner. He reaches the split for sections D and C. Still straight. After what feels like forever there's a split for section B. A is still ahead, up some escalators. He has spend at least 30 minutes walking, and panic was starting to set in. He had no idea what the time was and he couldn't afford to stop now and rummage in the bag for his phone.

He almost runs up the escalator and finds himself in section A. The first gate he sees is A100. No way. At least now there are travelators available. He steps on and walks whilst it travels forward. It makes him feel like a superhero, traveling at the speed of light as the people and gates fly past him. Another travelator. And another. Gate A312. Finally. He reaches it as the last few people make their way through the gate. Out of breath he hands his ticket and passport to the man at the gate. The man lifts one eyebrow and gives Eddy a stern look. "You are in seat G11. Middle section on the right", the man says as he hands back the ticket stub and passport. Eddy keeps it in his hand for now as he makes his way down the long alley to the plane doors.

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