Chapter 22- Dream

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The ghost of Papyrus's head floated around Dust in fear. He worried for his brother, since he was distraught due to you not waking up. It has been more than a few hours since you had last been awake. Dream told him that you would wake up in less than a couple of hours, but that specific amount of time has passed already. Dust feared that you wouldn't wake up soon, or not even wake up at all. He didn't want you to die. He did not want to be alone with just Dream helping him fight back against Corrupt.

Dream kneeled beside your unconscious body and placed his hand over your forehead. He felt for any positivity within you, any sign of good instead of thoughts of murder and corruption. He closed his eye sockets and focused hard, but he still couldn't find any sign of positive emotions. 

Not until a little bit of waiting though.

His eye sockets shot open as he finally felt a spec of positivity. It slowly began to grow and take over the negative emotions and thoughts within your brain. He pulled his hand away and quickly stood up, catching Dust's attention.

He rushed over just in time to see your hand twitch a little bit.  He fell onto his knees beside you and stared down at you, not even blinking once.

Your eyes fluttered open, revealing your (F/C) pupils with little black cracks surrounding them. You looked over at Dust.

“Hey.” He said, smiling warmly. “How are you feeling?”

“I feel fine.” You sat up and scratched the back of your neck. “What the heck happened?”

“To summarize it,” Dream walked up in front of you, “you felt a deep and strong hatred for what Sugarberry had said, therefore letting the corruption take over.”

“D-Dream? How the fu—” You were interrupted by two arms wrapping around you.

Dust hugged you.

You smiled and hugged him back.

“You almost killed Dust and the rest of the Tricksters, but they fled and I arrived just in time to stop you from killing Dust.” Dream explained.

You raised an eyebrow in confusion as you pat Dust's back.

“I did?"

Dream nodded.

“Oh my,” You pulled away from the tight embrace, “I am so sorry, Dust. Did you get really hurt by any chance?”

“Nope, I am completely okay. Man, you were strong as hell though.” The hooded skeleton chuckled.

“Heh, good.” You smiled. “I'll try not to feel a strong negative emotion anymore. I don't want to turn into a monster like I did before. I don't want to go on a huge rampage and kill everybody.”

Dust got up onto his feet and stretched his arm out, motioning for you to take his hand. You accepted it and he helped you stand up. 

Dream summoned his staff.

“Dream?” You went up behind him. 

He turned around and looked at you.


“How did you become a skeleton again? I thought that you would remain a statue for hundreds of more years."

He glanced down at his staff for a quick moment.

“Honestly, I don't know. I think that someone must have freed me with a different sort of magic.” 

You placed one hand on your hip and tried to think of someone who could have done so, but no one came into mind. 

“Well, if it was somebody  then thank them.” You giggled.

“Yup!” Dream smiled. 

Dust walked up beside you.

“So, what do we do now?” He asked. “It's the three of us, the Tricksters, and the villains.” 

“I was going to open a portal to where your father is, (Y/N). I can sense a little bit of positive energy within him right now.” Dream said. “We have to hurry though before that positivity goes away."

“Alright, let's go." You said.

Corrupt chuckled sinisterly as he tugged at its invisible strings, controlling every movement the puppet made. He smirked and caressed its cheek, quickly planting a kiss on its forehead.

“I never meant to do this to you, Ruru, but this is fun! I need to find a way to turn you back soon though...or should I keep you this way?"

Error had no control over himself at all. He couldn't speak, he couldn't move, he couldn't blink, he couldn't do anything but spectate everything that is occuring around him. He was still himself though, the same height with the same abilities. 

When he was in the room with Corrupt earlier, he was basically tortured throughout that session of Corrupt testing out his new powers. 

“I wonder why (Y/N) didn't succumb to the corruption. She should have become evil like us, but apparently she can resist it!" Corrupt looked over at Error. “You raised a rather tough daughter, Ruru, but I'm stronger. She will surrender along with her friends very soon anyways.”

“Oh yeah?" 

Corrupt flinched and whipped his skull around to meet with your eyes. Dust and Dream stood by your sides.

“What the—? Dream—? How did you break free from the stone!?" 

Dream raised his hand and summoned his bow and a few arrows.

“That doesn't matter as of now, Corrupt. Right now, you—” Your eyes widened as you gasped, stopping in the middle of your sentence.

You saw Error sitting on a throne beside Corrupt. 


Corrupt turned and looked at the puppet and smirked, raising his hand and tugging at the air. Error moved, jumping up into the air and landing a few feet in front of Corrupt.

You covered your mouth.

Dream yanked you back and made you look at him while Dust stood in front of you and Dream.

“(Y/N), look at me!" Dream demanded.

You were trembling. 

Your pupils shook.

“You f*cking son of a f*cking b*tch!" Dust shouted at Corrupt. “What did you do to Error!?”

Corrupt laughed...

...and laughed…

...and laughed…

...and laughed.

“Error is now my puppet. He is no longer in control, I am!”

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