Sera is Bullied (Part 352)

909 32 8

Remi - Human Taser⚡*
Seraphina - Sera*
Arlo - Big Daddy
Blyke - Bromo
Isen - Simp
Elaine - Helth
John -
Evie - Commie

* = group admin

Thursday, December 6th, 8:57 AM


Sera fell to the ground, gripping her arm. Pain bloomed out from the spot where Zeke's fist had connected with it.

I should be used to this by now.

She tried to struggle to her feet as John jumped in front of her, swinging at Zeke. However, the elite had activated his defense form, and John's punch barely seemed to sway him.

So why does he still need to protect me?

Just as Zeke appeared just about to throw another punch, a solid fist connected with his face. He staggered sideways, his expression initially contorting into one of rage, before he realized who had punched him.

"Arlo?" Zeke exclaimed, stumbling backwards. Arlo glowered at him.

"Zeke. Go tussle with someone on your own level."

Arlo seemed more imposing as usual as he loomed over Zeke, who hastily scrambled away. He turned back to John and Sera, seemingly simmering as he eyed them.

"Uh... Thanks-," John began, before Arlo broke into a tirade.

"What the hell, John? Why didn't you help her?" He yelled, his face seeming several shades redder than usual.

"Fuck off!" John exclaimed. "You don't get to judge me!"

"I don't get to- What the hell does that even mean? You're deliberately avoiding your-,"

Sera cut Arlo off. "Am I missing something here?" She let an edge creep into her voice, and both John and Arlo's gazes snapped to her, as if they'd just realized she was present.

Arlo huffed, carefully fixing his tie. "Nothing. I'm done here." He pivoted on one heel and retreated down the hallway, leaving John looking irked and Sera confused.

John is a cripple... He did all he could, right?

11:58 AM

John Telling People to Shut

Sera: Daily Beans update!!

Sera sent an image: beansandrAt.png


Commie: do they both live in ur dorm??

Sera: nah i just babysit them sometimes

Sera: Rat lives with,,,

Sera: those 2

Commie: ??

Simp: were the dads

Bromo: ^^

Commie: o h h right sjdfklsdfjsldfkjf

Helth: unrelated but wheres Arlo??🤨

Helth: i havent seen him and he wont reply to my texts😢

John: gee I wonder why..

Helth: 😿😿😿

Human Taser⚡: eY no bullying my gf😡😡

Commie: btw Sera u coming to fight today??

Sera: sure just gotta feed the feline menaces

Helth: 😂

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