Omelette Dealer

752 34 13

Remi - Human Taser⚡*
Seraphina - Sera*
Arlo - Big Daddy
Blyke - Bromo
Isen - Simp
Elaine - Helth
John -
Evie - Commie

* = group admin


Sera stepped forward, then paused, clutching the paper bag that had just been over John's head.

Why was he wearing that?

It was the same paper bag that the anonymous student who'd been terrorizing the school had worn.

Is this some kind of joke?

Sera clutched the bag in her hand.

It has to be.

She finally stepped forward again, reaching out to John. "John! Are you okay?"

Besides her, Evie was staring, wide-eyed, as John stirred. At first, John seemed groggy, rubbing his eyes before snapping awake as soon as he realized he wasn't alone. His gaze darted to Sera, then Evie, then the mask.

"Sera, what the-," He started to speak, then cut himself off. Something seemed off.

"John, are you okay? You- you were wearing this," Sera exclaimed, holding out the paper bag. "It looked like the one the masked student was wearing..."

John seemed to flinch for a moment before laughing nervously. "Sera, is this some kind of joke?" He motioned to the paper bag. "Why would I be wearing that?"

"But you were!" Evie burst out, her tone betraying confusion. "We came in and you were asleep with a bag on your head!"

Sera nodded. "Yeah, that's pretty concerning... Are you okay? Did something happen?" She studied his face as he answered.

"No, definitely not... I just went to sleep in this closet and the next thing I know, you guys are here with a paper bag!" He scratched at his hair, meeting her gaze. He seemed as clueless and she and Evie were. "...Guess someone thought it'd be funny to prank the cripple, huh."

"...Makes sense," Sera replied, some of her uneasiness melting away. But despite John's casual manner, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

John Telling People to Shut

Commie: dw guys!!

Commie: it was just Joh n lol

Bromo: jOhn is the maskey boye??


Commie: ye someone put the bag on him to prank him apparently

Human Taser⚡: semirelated but didnt masked guy throw some1 off a roof??

Commie: How spicey

John: That someone probably deserved it

Human Taser⚡: i-

Helth: 😳

Human Taser⚡: 😅

Helth: 😗

Human Taser⚡: 🥰

Helth: 🥰

Sera: 😶

Simp: 🤔

Helth: 😇

John: Why dont u all shut before I replace the contents of your lungs with vegetables

Helth: 😳😳😳


John: Catch these hands fööl

Commie: john ur threats r impressive

Commie: Teach me?? 👉👈

John: fool

John: This shet isnt free

Commie: I can pay u in home cooked omeletes for a week ^-^

John: DEAL

Bromo: aw lucky

Sera: *laughs in already receiving omeletes from evie in exchange for giving her my notes*

Commie: Sera ur notes r GORGEOUS sldfjksldfjskdl they are Well Worth omeletes

Simp: wow there is a dealer among us

Commie: *omelete dealer

Helth: among us,,,,,,

Helth: 😈😈😈

Human Taser⚡: oh god

Human Taser⚡: babe please dont

Helth: HOLY SHIT DID YOU JUST SAY THE WORDS AMONGUS❓❓❓😳😱/😳Amongus is sooooo fun😔👉👈😜, dont insult it🤣 EVERY youtuber and streamer📹 says so🗣️🗣️🗣️❗❗❗❗ R U WERE THE IMPOSTER❓ඞ ඞ ඞ❓YOU CAN PLAY🎮🎮 IT ON YOUR 📱PHONE😜😜😜😜😜😜 such a 🤤masterpiece...🤩 FOR THE GREAT PRICE OF FREE❗❗1❗11❗💰💰🤑🤑🤑🤑😜😜😜

Human Taser⚡: BABE STOP

John: Do that one more time and I set you on fire.

Commie: yesss John do the threatening!!

John: O rite im legally obligated to teach u how to threaten ppl

John: Just think of th emost absurd but inconvenient or painful thing that can happen to someone

John: then tell them u will do it to them

Commie: hmmm

Commie: Ill remember that >:3

Sera: oop-

3:38 PM

Bromo: Guys its been 3 weeks since ive eaten a vegetabl

John: What the fuck

Simp: dude nO

Human Taser⚡: i-

Big Daddy:

Big Daddy: That doesn't sound healthy.

John: stfu Asslo you dont deserve jorts

Big Daddy:


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