Days and Nights at the Lookout

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Dun-dun-dun. I'm gonna post the next part o' this today. After I eat lunch. Been writing this since last night. I'll just edit it later.

        “No…Dara…no… don’t leave me!” Sherwood’s voice echoed through the lookout. Ryder and a bunch of alarmed pups stormed inside the room where Sherwood slept and arrived at him having one of his nightmares again.
            “Sherwood, calm down.” Ryder shook him, trying to wake him up but he was deeply suffering his nightmare.
            The pups looked sympathetically as Ryder restrained the struggling pup.
            “It’s the seventh night now…” Skye said, walking a few steps to Sherwood’s bed. “I feel really sorry for him.”
            “Chase, call Katie now!” Ryder ordered, “We need his antidepressants again.”
            Chase ran outside the room and up to the second floor of the lookout. He urgently called Katie and woke her up from her sleep.
            Before Chase could finish, Katie already got up and answered, “On it.”
            After a few minutes, Katie arrived with her tools and medicines. Coming inside Sherwood’s room, she saw how Ryder struggled to restrain the poor pup. Sherwood was crying and constantly talking in his sleep. Katie filled a syringe with Sherwood’s antidepressant and he slowly started to calm down.
            He opened his eyes and mumbled as he was about to fall asleep again, “My…life’s…a…hell.”
            Ryder got up from the bed and stretched his limbs. “Every night it just keeps getting worse!” Ryder slammed his fist to a wall. “I don’t know if he’ll ever get well with the results we’re having right now.”
            Katie walked to Ryder and laid her hand on his shoulder, patting it gently, “Don’t worry… he can still be cured,” Katie said with a smile on her face but she frowned slightly, “But… not one-hundred percent. He’s suffering a post-traumatic stress disorder or known as PTSD. We can lessen it but we can’t get rid of it fully.”
            Ryder took Katie’s hand and walked her out of the room. He seated her at the kitchen as he boiled milk in a tea pot. He took some sponge cake inside the fridge and laid it on the table. “Have some,” Ryder took a plate and sliced Katie a piece. “Sorry if you have to come here every night,” he apologized as he laid his head on his hands. He thought deeply.
            “It’s alright… I’m glad I can help.” She took a bite from the sponge cake and waited for the milk to warm up.
            Silence filled the air as they heard nothing but the sound of crickets fiddling their feet. Katie finished her plate of sponge cake and tapped her fingers on the table. The beat of her tapping hands sounded loud in the silence. She looked around the place and saw the pot of boiling milk just about done.
            “Ryder,” she said, “I think that milk is ready.” She pointed her finger to the smoking pot of milk.
            “Oh…ugh sorry,” Ryder took the pot of boiling milk away from the flames. He took two glasses and filled them. “Here,” he slid the hot milk to Katie.
            “Thanks,” Katie took the glass and waited for it to cool. “So…” Katie started, “What caused his PTSD?” she asked.
            “A traumatic experience,” Ryder answered. His answer sounded sarcastic but he was very serious when he had spoken the words.
            Katie knew he wasn’t joking. She knew that he was serious on his answer so she didn’t bother to show him any hint of giggling emotions. “I know that…” she mumbled, “Bu–”
            “Then don’t ask,” Ryder drank the hot liquid and left the glass empty and still steaming with the milk’s hot temperature.
            Katie looked at him with discomfited eyes. She didn’t know if she should tell Ryder about the milk moustache on his face or continue on with the conversation. With her index finger, she circled her mouth, gesturing Ryder of the milk moustache.
            Ryder wiped them with his sleeve and sat back down, “I’m sorry, Katie…” he apologized, “It’s just that I’m very cranky because of all this stress!” He dropped his forehead on the hard table.
            Katie walked over to him and massaged his shoulder, “It’s alright, I understand. I’m pretty cranky myself.” She walked outside the door of the kitchen as Ryder followed. She stopped at the main door of the lookout and turned her head to Ryder, “Go get some sleep. Sherwood’s okay now. Goodnight.”
            “Katie, wait.” Ryder reached his hand to her.
            Katie turned her head back, “Yes, Ryder?” she asked.
            “Sleep here for the night. It’s pretty dark outside.”
            Katie entered the lookout and dropped her things beside the door. “Sounds good that I’m gonna get my sleep without driving home.” She laughed, “If I’m sleeping in your room, you’re gonna sleep on the floor.”
            Ryder walked to the elevator with Katie and pressed a button as he assured her, “I have a folding bed, and you can sleep there.”
            Katie nodded her head, “No. You invited me to sleep here so I have to feel really comfortable. You’re sleeping on the folding bed.”
            Ryder sighed in defeat and agreed to her.

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