Marshall's Resolve

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Alright guys, I asked for your opinion and ya'll agreed. Brace yourselves. If you couldn't handle more, you can just skip this chap xD

        After weeks since Rocky broke up with Marshall, he treated him like air. Marshall was invisible to Rocky even on missions that required both of them to participate. Rocky would always do his part silently and afterwards would return to the lookout and deny their little celebration… when Marshall is there of course but if he’s not, then Rocky would wear the biggest smile that can be seen which hurt Marshall every time but who is he to complain? He probably hurt Rocky more than he’s being hurt right now.
            Marshall walked to his pup house wearily as if he’s tired from doing missions. He’s tired – that’s a fact but not from missions… he’s tired from living! He gave out a sigh as he forced himself to sleep inside his pup house. With closed eyes, his senses were amplified. He heard laughing and footsteps nearby. He effortlessly opened one eye and saw Rocky with Zuma and Chase playing with their tug toy. It was two to one. He watched Rocky struggle as he was facing two opponents at the same time. Instinctively, Marshall approached.
            “Can I join?” he asked as he took shaking steps near them, “It’s unfair to play tug of war if it’s two to one.”
            At the sound of Marshall’s voice, Rocky clenched his teeth and strongly pulled Zuma and Chase together.
            “I can manage,” Rocky said coldly as he walked out.
            Defeated by a single pup, Zuma and Chase ran to Rocky carrying their tug toy as they demanded a rematch. Marshall watched as he was left alone in his place. Having nothing else to do, he walked back to his lookout. After what happened, Rocky treated Marshall badly. He treated him like he was nothing at all but that’s the prize of what Marshall did to him.

            Later that evening, Marshall finished eating his dinner quickly as he decided to spend his night at the cliff on little Hootie’s hill. Making his way by foot, he arrived later than he expected because of his slow pace. As he made his way, he saw Rocky at the hill stabbing his knife tool on a certain area. Curiously, Marshall hid behind a bush and watched secretly as Rocky stabbed the ground.
            “Stupid… stupid… stupid…” he kept on repeating the words as he stabbed the ground with his knife tool in his pup pack. He didn’t do anything else. He just kept on stabbing the ground that it excavated a little hole. This kept on for minutes until Rocky dropped himself on the ground, still stabbing the ground. His mechanical knife tool stopped as he cried uncontrollably, escaping his sorrow to a loud yell and a pool of tears. Marshall watched as Rocky cursed and resented the ground, rolling sideways as he didn’t know what to do anymore.
            “Rocky…” Marshall’s voice whispered as he showed himself to Rocky, coming out from the bushes.
            Rocky looked at him surprised, he was petrified, embarrassed to have been caught wailing over his personal choice of losing the very pup that stood before him coming from the bushes. Knowing Rocky, Marshall decided to leave him be as he knows that Rocky feels embarrassed to have been caught doing something he hides.
            Walking away, he felt Rocky ran him to a big embrace.
            “I hate you, Marshall!” He yelled as he dug his matted eyes to Marshall’s dry fur, “I hate you! I hate you!” he kept on repeating.
            Marshall stood frozen as he felt Rocky’s contact. He felt his trembling body, he heard his cracking voice and he saw his mourning face.
            “Marshall… I hate,” Rocky came to a sudden stop as he looked at Marshall face to face. He showed him his eyes streaming with tears and he purposely made Marshall feel his trembled body. “I love you…” Rocky opposed all he said as he forced himself on Marshall. “I love you, Marshall but I feel so mad!” His voice shifted to anger.
            Marshall put one of his paws on Rocky’s nape as his embrace to him after a long time. He didn’t say anything though. He wanted to hear what Rocky has to say before he explains everything to him.
            “I wanted to hate you for what you did… I wanted to forget my feelings for you… I wanted to erase you inside my head but I couldn’t do it… why can’t I?” Rocky backed away from him as he turned his back.
            “Rocky…” Marshall sat beside him as he refused to make contact. He was still too drowned by guilt. He breathed deeply as he wanted Rocky to calm down, “You know Rocky, as absurd as it sounds… I really did it for you.”
            Rocky looked at him, his agony changing to rage seen from his eyes and mouth as it started to widen.
            Marshall touched his body beside Rocky, sharing his warmth with him on the cold lonely night. “When I saw your face when all those time Sheila only talked to me, I felt so bad I wanted her to take you out just to make up for what she did. I’d do anything for you, Rocky.”
            Rocky sniffled as he ran his paw past his nose, “Oh and I guess that she made you kiss her so she’ll take me out,” Rocky sarcastically spat as he rolled his eyes away from Marshall.
            “Yes.” Marshall answered solemnly as Rocky looked at him with eyes of distrust, “She bribed me, Rocky and–”
            “–you went for it!” Rocky cut out as he walked a little farther from Marshall. Sitting down grumpily, they were far away from each other.
            “You’re right,” Marshall raised his voice and got up to sit beside Rocky again, “But you were so miserable I risked doing it.”
            Rocky stopped to a sudden silence with his expression speaking for him. He nodded his head still not believing what Marshall said. Standing up again, he walked away from Marshall and sat far from him.
“I was never mad or sad because Sheila only talked to you…” Rocky complained as he stared to a vast space where the light house stood. “I was mad when I saw her so close to you.”
            Marshall tipped his head to his side as he realized the misconception of what happened, “You weren’t miserable because she only talked to me?”
            “Why would I be? I admire her but…” Rocky bit his tongue as if he was having a hard time to speak, “I admire you m-m-mo-more,” he put out his tongue as if what he said made him sick.
            “You never had a hard time saying words like ‘I love you’ but now you seem like you disgust saying them.”
            “I do,” Rocky looked at him angrily, “Especially to a pup like you,” he puffed his tongue out like an elementary kid sassing a teacher and walked to a tree nearby.
            Marshall followed.
            “Sheila told me what really happened… your story sounds nice too,” Rocky applauded as he was very sarcastic at the moment.
            “So you trust Sheila more than you trust me?” Marshall slightly raised his voice knowing a harsh truth he just realized.
            “If Sheila isn’t a liar then yes… you, my lover, would seem more likely to lie so everything would be calmed and settled between us, no?”
            Marshall gritted his teeth as he started to feel anger rush within him, “So you’re betting on a small chance that Sheila isn’t a liar?”
            “Yes.” Rocky stood up and levelled his head with Marshall’s as they both growled at each other. “The way you kissed her,” Rocky recalled, “Aggressive, violent and harsh.”
            “Then that’s evidence that I was forced to!” Marshall stomped one of his paws on the ground. “Rocky don’t let your anger cloud your mind…”
            As Rocky was about to speak, Marshall pushed him a little so he would sit down and kissed him. Rocky refused. He closed his mouth as Marshall cornered him to a tree. Slowly, Marshall teased Rocky until he opened his mouth and that’s when Marshall ravaged him – fast but passionate and he showed him the difference of what Sheila had just said. “Don’t you feel my kiss, Rocky?” Marshall slightly withdrew his mouth from Rocky as they breathed the same air. “Does it feel harsh and aggressive?” He asked as he kissed him again. Rocky realized as he felt Marshall’s subtleness but he was still mad at him for the second thing he had done.
            Marshall went on longer and Rocky could feel himself surrender… but he refused to. Weakly, he put one paw on Marshall’s chest and tried to push him away. Again and again he pushed until Marshall backed away, breaking the kiss with a last touch of his tongue on Rocky’s lower lip.
            Marshall smirked as he saw Rocky slowly surrender to him. His face was flush red and he stammered for every time he tried to talk.
            “You still won’t believe me…” Marshall sighed and turned his back, about to walk away again.
            He felt a touch on his back and saw Rocky unable to look him in the eye directly… he was calling but couldn’t manage to voice it out. Marshall turned to him and drove him back to the corner of the tree, starting with the kiss once more. He assaulted him with his gentle kiss again and felt Rocky play a little hard to get – closing his mouth but would only melt open once he feels Marshall’s tease. Rocky accepted eventually.
            As he enjoyed Marshall’s pleasure by sucking on his tongue, he felt Marshall slide him on the ground, making him lie down as he kissed him deeper. Oh my god I’m actually writing this. It’s not too late to turn back guys if you can’t handle more. You’ve been warned!
            He moaned in pleasure as he felt Marshall’s kiss run him deep. He felt Marshall stop and placed both of his paws at the sides of his head as he crouched down. Slowly, Rocky looked to what Marshall was about to do when he felt something hard penetrate him in the rear.
            “Ah!” Rocky yelled in pain as he felt Marshall slid his shaft inside him.
            “I’ll go very gentle on you,” Marshall’s voice travelled Rocky’s body making him forget the pain that had struck him. He felt the hard erection pull out and he felt relieved until it pushes in again slowly, making him squeal in pain. Marshall ran his mouth to Rocky’s as he let him bite his tongue when he felt pained but no sooner afterwards did Rocky felt relieved. After a few slow cycles of inserting and withdrawing, Rocky was in ecstasy.
            “Finally,” Marshall smirked as he started to push and pull faster. Rocky moaned and for every time he did, Marshall increased his speed.
            Marshall stopped to his climax and Rocky felt hot liquid spurt and damp his fur.
            Fatigued, Rocky fell asleep afterwards as Marshall gave him a last gentle kiss on the cheek and slept beside him.

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