Special Chap

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As you can see guys, I already ended my story. Have this nice special chapter :D Since this is a special chapter, it will be my POV! xD I'm a third person writer so I'm not sure if this'll go good. Haha.

        I dug my fingers through my hair as I examined the oil that had enveloped every strand. How nice must it be to have fur instead of hair. With just a little fish oil, I can maintain a smooth, vibrant and silky fur! But I have hair so I guess I have to live with that. The morning was nice to have a little stroll on Aventure Bay's park or beach, either of the two would be nice but synchronizing with my feelings, the park would be nice to swing my thoughts away.
        The gentle breeze blew past my face as I made my way calmly to the park. With each step I took, I heard my feet pat the ground to a calm ticking-like sound. Tick and tock to stomp and stomp. I made my way slowly to the swing and grabbed hold of the chains that kept the seat hanging from the ground as I pushed my feet slightly back and forth to give me a little sway.
        At the slide, I saw two pups playfully chasing each other - a dotted Dalmatian and some kind of mixed breed pup.
        "You can't catch me, Marshall," the gray pup ran away from the dotted one.
        "We'll see about that," the Dalmatian crouched and waited for a better timing. He tried to pounce on the fleeing pup but failed to catch him.
        At their little game, they arrived at the swing where I sat and chased each other, circling me until I felt my eyes twirl in dizziness. I felt the gray pup bump my knee as he stumbled on the ground.
        "I'm sorry," we both said in unison.
        I covered my hand with my mouth as I refrained myself from speaking.
        "I'm sorry..." he repeated, "Hey, this is the first time I've seen you here," he walked towards me as I looked at him, my hand still covering my mouth.
        I nodded my head like an idiot as if I agreed to something he didn't even say.
        "Are you new here?" the Dalmatian asked me, sitting beside the gray pup closely. It's my first time seeing pups that close.
        Choked in my own embarrassment, I tried to speak, "Y-yes..." a low pitch considered already as a whisper came out my mouth! Why can't I socialize? I pulled my short hair as I slapped my chest forcing the words to come out.
        The two pups looked at me curiously, their faces - similar and unchanging.
        Unable to grasp  myself normally, I was about to walk out when they gray pup stood up and introduced himself, "My name is Rocky," he smiled at me, showing his cute canine teeth.
        "And my name's Marshall," the cute Dalmatian introduced.
        "Umm... you can call me," I paused as I think of a good name I want to be called with, "Marcky."
        "Marcky?" Marshall asked curiously.
        It's not that bad... I mean, really.
        "I think I like it," Rocky said as he neared the Dalmatian, "It sounds like Marshall and Rocky put together..."
        Marshall blushed as Rocky seductively talked to him. "That's good because I really did combine your names... heh-heh," I laughed at them. I originally did combine their names and I think they liked it.
        "So..." I tried to begin a conversation, "You two going out?" Asking such a direct question might be too awkward for them to answer... after all coming from a stranger-
        "Yes," they both answered as I was cut off in my thought.
        "Oh..." I grasped the metal chain of the swing as my palms sweated of thinking what to say next. I was never good at conversations which is why I don't have any friends. "How are you?" I instinctively spat and they gave me a curious expression. Great, they might think I'm some sort of weirdo.
        They both gave me a reassuring smile that made my grasp on the chain lighter, their smile gave me comfort as they said words that caressed my ears, "Do you wanna meet the rest of the team?"
        To have been asked and welcomed felt... nice. A large grin formed on my face as the two pups bit the cloth of my shirt, pulling me to stand up as they walked beside me, showing me the way to the lookout.

And that's it... I admit that was pretty hard! You guys do know that this special chapter is just a troll. Lol. Hey free scenario!

        "Marshall, stop!" Rocky's voice echoed through the whole room as Marshall endlessly tickled Rocky. Rocky panted as he grew very tired of getting tickled by Marshall. Nighttime should be a time for bedtime. he thought. Moments of torture passed by and Rocky was too fatigued to move.
        "Rocky?" Marshall asked as he eyed the panting pup. Rocky breathed deeply with his eyes closed. Marshall saw Rocky's tired expression and created a little sensation run his body. He was tempted. Shifting positions, Marshall inevitably shook Rocky as he moved.
        "Mar...shall?" Rocky breathed and opened one of his eyes only to see Marshall standing on top of him. Marshall stared at him with solemn eyes implementing his will to do it with Rocky once more.
        "No..." Rocky denied, putting one paw to try and hold Marshall back.
        Marshall pushed his weight on Rocky enough to make him remove his paw on his chest and he ravaged him with oral pleasure, sliding his tongue inside Rocky's mouth as he felt him have a hard time to breathe. He stopped midway and as he was about to pull over, Rocky bit his tongue and breathed. Marshall started with the kiss once more as Rocky sucked on his tongue, hungry for his kiss.
        They stopped and looked at each other eye to eye. Rocky closed his eyes as Marshall began.

Alright. Done with that scenario :P how about a little fun fact about this story?

Originally, this story was made January 05, 2015 I posted it January 07, 2015
I only posted two chapters and a month later, I thought of deleting this story. Thanks to the support I received which were the three votes, I thought of giving the story one more chapter for a shot and another vote emerged! But I don't really care about the votes. I care about the comments because I get to hear my readers' opinions. I love you all!

So, this is it. The end of Puppy Love. But I'll make another Marshall x Rocky :) after I finish writing The Heart Thief which is a Chase x Zuma fanfic. Goodbye, all. I love you! :D

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