3- she slapped me

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You know the promise ryan made to stay away from me and never talk to me again?. Well he broke it and kept pestering me the whole day, in art class he pleaded with mrs acker man for us to paint each other so I had to sit and wait for him to finish what he called his sensation. He didn't even let me see it at the end.

At Geometry class I was stuck with his twin, rider even more annoying. He asked for a pencil 5 times and with my luck we were paired as partners for the next assignment. The only class I didn't get to see them much was in P.E, as They showed off their biceps to swooning girls and envious guys. Rider was more brawny that his brother,though ryan could still pull it off.

As the final bell rings I make my way out the school doors fast in the hopes not to bump into the cucks. I spot alfreda leaning on my car while texting on her phone.

"Baby" I run towards my car with my hands spread out. I lean towards it and start kissing the bumper. "I missed you so much. Hope she didn't hurt you".

"Stop that.... Its weird" Alfreda states as she walks to the other side of my car and enters the passenger's seat.

"Where did you take my car to this morning?" I ask her as I drive out of the school parking lot.

"No where it was in the parking lot all day" she says Avoiding my eyes by looking out the window.Huh she wants this the hard way right, I immediately step on the break making both of us jetk forward but back again because of our seat belts.

"El what was that?!"

"I don't know but what I know is that we're not moving till you tell me the truth" I say as I cross my hands on my chest.

"Ok...." She sighs and mutters something about me 'killing someone'. "I was seeing jacob".

"What were you doing with that bastard?". Jacob was Alfreda's ex, I hated him so much. They broke up about 3 months ago when I caught him with Debbie in the guest room at our house.

I never told alfreda who helped him cheat on her- cause I knew she adores Debbie, call me a snitch or whatever but I didn't like when my siblings were hurt. All I told her was that I caught him with some girl, the next morning she slapped him right in the face and posted some weird pictures of him on our school blog. That was just to cover up what she felt, I was the one who couldn't sleep at night because I could hear her muffled sobs and feel her pain everynight.

Yeah I could feel it - call it twin telepathy, I don't care.

"Elfreda I still love him" she squeaks.

"Can you hear yourself... You sound stupid" I scoffed. "He cheated on you!!, he doesn't love you yet you still do. Jacob doesn't deserve you,Hurting someone with the truth is better than making them happy with a lie Alfreda. He's a devil and just wants to show you that you can't live without him!"

"...and your making it easy for him!, The idiot will hurt you again!" I scream at her and she slaps me in the face. I bring my hand to the spot on my face, it stings badly that will definitely leave a mark.

"You don't talk about my boyfriend like that!" She shouts back, she really isn't serious right she just called jacob her 'boyfriend' . "and because you didn't give love another chance after him doesn't mean I'll give up on my relationship when I've not even tried to fix it!".

A tear makes it way down my face not because of the sting from the slap- maybe a little because of that-but because she called him, everyone had said that to me but she was the only person I thought would never bring him up just to hurt me.

At this time I was quiet, I didn't dare speak again, she didn't either she was angry and I was mad. We were both frustrated. I put my car in motion and drove to our home. I can't loose her, I just can't. he left and she was here I have to apologize.

As I drove into our yard, Alfreda stepped out of the car but was stopped by me holding unto her hand. "I'm sorry" I apologized as more tears rolled down my face. Her eyes softened as she stared at me with those warm brown eyes I had grown up with, but she looked away.

"Well you should have thought about what you wanted to say before you said it" she says and leaves me in my car. My hands grip the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turn white.

Eventually, I got out of my car and made my way inside and went up to our room. I was willing to apologize again, I needed her to forgive me. She was right I was just directing my pain to her, I'm so stupid.
"Alfreda?" I called as I knocked lightly on our room door.

No answer

I opened the door but she wasn't there, I checked Bennett's room but I only found him sleeping and snoring lightly, I almost forgot he was around. I made my way to the end of the hall to my parents bedroom, and found her curled on the bed with her head on her knees which were propped up on the bed.

"El...I want my space" she says still in her position.

"OK but I just wanted to say am sorry... What I did was wrong and-"

"Just go" she said and let out a sigh and so I did... I left. I went into our room, grabbed my phone and called the last person I would ever think of calling and I even wondered how I had his number on my phone.

"Can I come over?"

Wassup homo sapiens, am done with this chapter I know its shorter than normal but I want it like this. I know the story took a turn to anger ville for a moment but I wanted it like that, and one last thing
Who's him ?😬

More Than That🌹Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang