15- Memories

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I hope the week goes as happily and fast as last night , My mum says she's staying longer than usual I never knew I missed her as much as I do now. Instead of eating regular cereal like I always do every morning I'm sitting at the table which I filled with bacon, bread, juice , pancakes, toasts and eggs.

I was never really close to my mum but I have talked to her more than my whole life time in just one night.

"So?... Talk to me what did I miss?". She says her face filled with excitement as she asks Al and I.

"Nothing..". I say the same time Al says: "Elfreda has a boyfriend!".

I glare at my twin and my mum almost chokes on her glass of water.
"I do not have a Boyfriend!". I defend myself and Al sticks her tongue out at me, its hard to believe that she's older out of the two of us.

"His name is Ryan..". Alfreda tells my mum and she smiles at me.

"Well that's nice". My mum says and My jaw drops. My mum didn't always support any relationships my siblings and I were in, she had this idea that you're only allowed to date when you're in college. That was an opinion the rest of my family were clearly against cause my mum and dad started dating since high school.

"You're cool with it?, its not like I have a boyfriend. Ryan is just a friend-" I say pointedly to Al but she just puts a toast into her mouth and rolls her eyes as if to say 'that's what they all say'. "I'm just surprised you not scolding me or shutting me off".

My mum's eyes flash with guilt but its gone almost immediately as it came. She reaches for my hand on top of the table. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be disrupting your teenage years. I mean my mum never did that and that's how I met your father, I've realized now that what I did was wrong. But..". She says slowly, "if he's not responsible he's not getting closer to you".

She pulls her hand away and I turns to alfreda."What about you todo?, what about jacob?"


"We broke up". She says with the straightest face I've ever seen her wear.

"What-". My mum starts but the tired look on Al's face makes her stop.
"Where is he now?". My mum asks treading carefully.

"I don't know, he left school immediately after the break up and I've not seen him since then". She shrugs and picks up her glass of orange juice.

My mum diverts the conversation to other places until we finish eating.
"You girls need a ride to school?". Mum asks and we shake our heads.

"Al go on I'll take my car to school". I tell Alfreda and she raises an eyebrow at me.


Just go.

As Al goes out of the house my mum turns to me, I noticed she's wearing heels in the house. I raise my eyebrows at her and she shrugs. "What?, I wear heels all the time." She says scanning the diamond designer shoes. "Plus they're comfy".

"When is dad coming home?". I ask her and she looks up at me. A smile immediately forming on her face.

"He'll be here in a week, then we will bring Alan back home." She says and resumes her dish washing."So Cameron's birthday is next week, cherry and leo will be coming". She says and my heart literally stops beating. I haven't seen the Callahan's in 2 years because of guilt, I mean I killed their son, how do you face the parents of a boy you killed.

Tears run down my eyes as memories of how that night went on come rushing into my head. My mum notices and turns to hug me.

"It was my fault mum, I killed him.". I sob and my mum shushes me.

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