17- Debbie downner

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"Honey?". A voice I recognize as my mum calls but I don't reply. I just stare ahead into the empty space in front of me.

"Cleo, Come up for dinner. You've been there for hours aren't you hungry?". I'm not. I don't feel anything right now except pain and resentment.

I still don't reply then a new voice calls. "Elfreda Cleopatra wallace. You will come up for dinner in next 5 minutes if not, I'll come and bring this door down.". I hear my mum hush my dad saying something about being too harsh.

"Al...". I say and my parents seem to stop talking. "Al" I repeat and I hear feet moving then I hear my twin's voice.

"Elfreda?". I open the door and drag her in. She immediately pulls me into a hug and we both slide back on the ground. My tears that seemed to dry out And hour ago come rushing back as I rest my head on her chest.

"Shhh...". She coos and I stay in her arms. She holding me, me holding her
. This was the way she held me on the day Cameron's bureal was held.

"Why didn't you tell me?". I ask her my voice muffled by her Top but it was audible enough for her to hear.

"I don't know... I'm really sorry Cleo". This was the first time in a long time Alfreda calls me by my middle name.

"It's okay Chloe".

Eventually Al persuades me to leave the attic and come downstairs for dinner. Dad sends me an eyebrow asking if I'm OK , I give him a nod and he returns to reading his book.

It's just me and my dad at the table. Alan and Alfreda offered to help my mum in the kitchen.
"I once had a 14 year old daughter she had a best friend who she loved more than anything.". He starts closing his books. "When that best friend left to go above she locked herself in, blamed herself for his death and was replaced by another girl who I didn't know. I haven't seen my Cleopatra the smiling, always looking forward, fun girl who just loved  been happy.".

I look up at him my eyes glossy from tears. He reaches for my hand and brushes my fingers with his. "Cleo. I know you're in there and I know it hurts to think about him but let the past stay in the past. Your future is ahead of you and you could be doing a lot more than crying over someone who has completed his journey.".

"But it breaks my heart so much that I'm the reason he isn't here today. He could be-".

"But he isn't. Stop getting yourself worked up on the past, Cameron wouldn't want that.". He says and continues his caress on my hand  on the table. I immediately feel calm, I love that my dad has that effect on me.

Mum, Al and Alan step out of the kitchen with different dishes before placing them on the table. "Mi fuerza,(my strength) You'll be alright. Be strong for us okay?". My mum says and I give her a small smile.

We eat in peaceful silence before I head up to my room. My phone vibrates on the desk and I pick it up.

Unknown number 8:13 : wanna see what your little boyfriend's doing without you?.

My little boyfriend?

Me, 8:14. : who's this?

He takes his time to reply sending me an image. I stare at the picture, it's one taken in front of Mc Donalds with Ryan and a red haired girl coming out of the fast food holding hands.


Her smile seems blinding and her face unmistakable. She's a rare sight, and I also remember her from Tess's party.

I look at the picture one more moment. My heart aches a bit. Why am I affected they were just holding hands.. I don't care anyway, they could kiss for all I know. I. Don't. Care.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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