8- Cleo

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Today is not going great for me at all. I woke up and didn't find el, I walk downstairs only to be told that she left with rider's Lamborghini.

Hoping to talk to her in school, she ends up avoiding me, I wasn't even listening to mr Jonathan talking about Great Gasby because I was worried about her. All she did was sigh and draw on her notebook.

Melissa or marisa, i can't remember kept pestering me with her two friends. They were able to occupy rider but am not into that kind of stuff.

Is el mad at me?. I didn't do anything, I think. For almost a year I have been admiring her from a distance, I finally got the chance to cross path with her and she already hates me. If not for rider I wouldn't have had the courage to go sit with her for lunch.

I don't know why I'm attracted to her so much, it can't be a crush because I know I'm way passed that stage its just something in between like and admire. What's it about her that makes me so happy.

Maybe its because she reminds you of cleo?.

"Earth to ryan... Earth to ryan". Someone waves their hand in my face.

"Ryan.. What's wrong with you. School's over". Rider says again and I look around me. I'm in an empty class with ryan and trevor standing in front of my desk.

"Dude, where'd you go". Trevor says and chuckles.

"No where. Just thinking". I say and run my hands through my hair.

"Oh, girl problems?". Trevor asks or rather states as he takes a seat at the desk beside me.

Rider has a smug grin on his face as he looks at me. I can already tell what he's thinking.

Elfreda problems...



"Let's go practice, you can talk there.". Rider says and drags me to the arena. Sports has never been my thing but I do enjoy playing if its with rider. He loves sports.

When we get to the arena we change into our gym clothes and start to warm up.

"Ryan, I can tell its girl problems and I suggest you tell her about it. Its obviously killing you, let the girl know". Trevor says as he grabs a ball from the rack.

"No, he cant. He hasn't even known the girl that long. She literally just knew he existed two days ago". My ever supportive brother adds.

"That shouldn't stop you. I confessed to demine when i knew her for only a week and look where we are now, we'll be celebrating our three years anniversary next month.". Trevor says and smiles to himself. Outside of his friends the guy is a 'bada*s' kinda person but when you get to know him he's actually nice.

"Wow, but I gotta ask bruf. How's demine really?. I mean her character when she's with you." Rider asks and we both look at trevor, whose smile only widens.

"The demine you see in school is just... A cover to the book she is but when you read her you'll actually see she's a softie".

"And I thought I was the poet...". I sigh and he laughs.

"But am serious, tell her"

"Trevor, its not just any girl. Its wallace". Rider says and trevor immediately loses his smile.

"Elfreda wallace?"


"Ryan am sorry to inform you but forget about it. The girl won't budge, no offense but I've even tried to hit on her before but she just cussed at me and walked away. Wallace isn't someone you wanna like." Trevor says.
"She's beautiful and all but she doesn't let any guy in, am even surprised how you guys managed to make friends with her. Her sister is one of the most friendly people I have had the privilege to come across but her, its not the same."

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