A Motorcycle Incident

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((Guess who's back with more syndisparklez? It's me! Sorry to disappoint. But let's cut to the chase because who even reads authors notes? Anyways, the prompt I've got this time is: "I'm running late to school and you just hit me with your motorcycle cause you are also late and no I don't want to go to the hospital instead because I cannot miss this test just please give me a ride instead?"))

Today was a terrible day. At least, it was for Jordan. He'd woken up late on the day of a /very/ important test that he could not afford to miss if he wanted to pass. Now, Jordan wasn't a bad student; just a bit careless when it came to grades. But back on topic. Jordan was late. Again. This would make for the fourth time in the past two weeks, which wouldn't be so bad if today wasn't the absolute worst possible day to be late. "Fuck, fuck, fuck; I can't miss this test! My mom'll kill me!" He groaned as he ran down the street. He'd normally catch the bus because he lived rather far from the school but apparently his alarm clock decided that today would be an excellent time to drain the last of its batteries. Why? Because alarm clocks are dicks, that's why. Jordan canes to a stop at one of the stop signs and leaned against it, panting. "Damn...I gotta work out more.." He muttered to himself. He straighten up and ran across the street, hoping that it would lead to some sort of shortcut. However, Jordan apparently didn't see the motorcycle that was speeding down the street and barreling right towards him. He felt the impact before he saw the motorcycle. He landed a few feet ((is that the right measurement for this sorta thing?)) away from the motorcycle and groaned in pain. 'That probably broke something.. With my luck anyways' he thought to himself. "Holy shit!" A voice exclaimed. He recognized the accident immediately. It was Tom Syndicate ((I forget last names like nobody's business haaaa..)), a student who came to America from the UK a while back. He'd quickly become the most popular with the girls (and Jordan but nobody needed to know about that part). Jordan, despite just being hit by Tom's motorcycle, felt a faint blush rise to his cheeks. 'Great..just great.' He thought as Tom rushed over kneeling next to him. "Dude, I am so sorry! I totally didn't see you there! Are you ok?" The blush grew as Jordan attempted to sit up and he nodded. "Ugh..y-yeah I'm fine. Just a bit beat up, I guess. Hehe..." He grinned nervously, hoping that Tom found his weird sense of humor slightly funny. It seemed to work a little, Tom smiling a little before looking Jordan over. concerned. "Are you sure you're alright, mate? I mean, I just hit you with a motorbike.." Jordan waved him off. "No, no, I'm totally fine!" Tom have him a look and he relented. "Ok, yeah. I'm probably not fine but right now, we're both late and I have a test that I absolutely /can not/ afford to miss so please just give me a ride?" Jordan pleaded, attempting to look as pitiful as possible ((he's using the fucking puppy dog eyes)). Tom blushed a bit (which Jordan chalked up to his imagination) and nodded. "Uh..yeah sure. But after you take that test, I'm taking you to the hospital. Or at least the nurse." He gave Jordan a stern look, letting him know that he was ((doing this man. he's making it happen)) going to do it, regardless of Jordan's opinion. Jordan sighed with relief and, on impulse, hugged Tom out of gratefulness. "Oh man, thank you soo much, Tom. I really appreciate it." "U-Uh..yeah sure no problem. So, mind letting go of me..?" Jordan blinked and pulled away, blushing. "Oh fuck! Uh..heheh..sorry about that." Tom smiled and helped him up, walking him over to the motorcycle. "Nah, it's cool man. (And Jordan could've sworn he heard Tom say "not like I didn't like it anyways")." After a minuet or two, they got in the motorbike and were driving down the road to school. "So," Tom said, breaking the silence that they'd been in since they started. "You know my name, but I don't believe I got yours." "Oh, right. Sorry, my names Jordan." Tom nodded. "Well Jordan, mind telling me what class you'll be in after that 'oh so important test?'." "Uh, mythology." "With Ms. Ianite? ((Ayyyyeee))" "Yeah, why?" Tom looked back at him for a second, before turning back around. "I said I'd bring you to the nurse, didn't I?" "Oh! Oh yeah..sorry. Guess I forgot?" "It's cool." They fell into a comfortable silence, occasionally cracking a joke or making idle chit chat in the last few minuets of their drive. They'd stopped in front of the school and quickly rushed inside (after parking Tom's bike that is). They signed the late sheet and rushed into the hall. "Again, thanks so much for the ride, Tom." "Ah, no problem man! It was the least I could do, yanno?" Jordan nodded and grinned. "But uh, hey..if you aren't sitting with anyone else, wanna hang out with me during lunch?" Tom said with a somewhat ((very)) noticeable blush. Jordan flushed as well and nodded. "Oh! Yeah, sounds great!" "Oh, cool!" They glanced at the clock on the wall and jumped. Oh they were sooo late. They quickly waved at each other as they ran down their separate hallways (well, kind of limped in Jordan's case). However, they both wore a smile and a small blush as they made their way to class.

((and done! I actually wasn't planning on writing anything today, buuuut I decided why the hell not! So I hope you guys like this one! I tried making it a bit more romantic but I guess it didn't work that well.. Oh well! It's something at least!))

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