Pepper Spray

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((Ayyyyyy I'm back! With another prompt hooray! Since no one cares about my any third notes, let's get straight to it shall we? The prompt I've got this time is: "I accidentally pepper sprayed you because I thought you were stalking me when really you just needed directions"))

'This is it. I'm gonna die. Or get kidnapped. One of the two.' Jordan thought to himself as he gripped his water bottle in his hand tightly. He was walking back from a small coffee shop he liked still early in the night when he noticed. Whenever he looked behind him there was an (admittedly very attractive) blue haired man behind him. At first Jordan thought nothing of it, but after a while he began to think the man was following him. He began to walk faster, wrapping his jacket around himself tighter. He heard the man's footsteps speed up and he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey excu-", whatever the man had to say was cut off by Jordan acting on impulse and pulling out the tiny canister of pepper spray he hid in his pocket and spraying some of it in the man's face. The man covered his eyes and yelled, "Dude! What the fuck?! I just needed some fucking directions, holy shit!" 'Oh /fuck/.' "Shit! Dude, I'm so so sooo sorry! I..I thought you some kinda stalker or something! Fuck, uh, c-can you see? Wait no, sorry. Of course you can't. Uh, here! I have some water, bend down a bit!" The man quickly bent over, wanting to stop the burning as quickly as possible. "So, you might wanna try opening your eyes? If you can, it'll help a lot." He nodded and hissed in pain as he attempted to open his eyes. Jordan quickly began pouring his water on the man's eyes, feeling extremely embarrassed and very guilty. "Jesus, again I am /so/ sorry man." The man was finally able to open his (very nice looking, Jordan noticed) eyes after Jordan poured the last of the water out. He blinked and rubbed at his eyes. "Yeah, yeah.. It's fine. I probably should've called you out in the first place instead of, well, stalking you." The accent alone was enough to make Jordan want to swoon. 'Oh god what have I gotten myself into?' He thought to himself. "S-so.. Uh. My names Jordan! Sorry we had to meet like..this." He waved his hand at the small puddle of water and his pepper spray can, which now laid in the middle of said puddle. The stranger shrugged and grabbed Jordan's hand, shaking it (and making Jordan blush a bit). "The names Tom and yeah, this is a pretty shirty way to meet a guy. Zero out of ten would pepper spray again." Tom grinned and Jordan laughed. "You just got pepper sprayed and you're making jokes?" Tom shrugged. "It's what I do best." "Fair enough." Jordan leaned down and picked up the canister of pepper spray and stuck it back into his pocket. "So, uh.. You said you needed directions?" Jordan said awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Hm? Oh yeah! Well, see the thing is, I /was/ originally going to ask you for directions to a hotel. Buuut, because of what happened, I don't think mere directions are gonna be enough." He grinned and Jordan gulped. "O-oh? So what do you suggest then?" Tom's grin widened and he leaned in closer to Jordan's face, which now has a very noticeable blush. "How about you show me around the city? As compensation for the, ah, incident?" Jordan stuttered and blushed harder because holy fuck, Tom is actually really hot and that accent is making his knees a bit weak. He nodded nervously and stuttered out an 'ok.' "Great!" Tom smiled and leaned away leaving Jordan standing awkwardly and blushing. "So, know anywhere I could get something to eat?" They spent the next two hours walking around the city, with Jordan showing Tom around and Tom teasing Jordan and making him blush. Finally, they stopped in front of a hotel. "And here we are! It's nothin special but it's pretty cheap all things considered so.." Jordan shrugged. "Nah, it's good! Hey, thanks for showing me around, Jordan. I had a really good time." Tom smiled at his and Jordan smiled back somewhat shyly. "Oh it was no big deal. I mean, it was the least I could do, you know?" " know, I think there's one more thing you could do for me." "A-and what would that be?" Tom leaned in and smirked, laying a hand on Jordan's shoulder. "How about you give me your number? I'll be here for a while and you wouldn't want me to get lost, would you?" Jordan's face was completely flushed and he nodded weakly, pulling out his phone and letting Tom type in his number on his own. "I'll be sure to text you later. Night, Jordan!" Tom grinned and waved before heading inside the hotel. "Yeah..bye.." Jordan said, waving briefly. He shook his head and began the trek home, smiling and blushing like a dork the whole way.

((Yay! Another chapter done! So, this story will be updated a bit more regularly than my other one. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a chapter out a day, these things don't take as long as you'd think. But yeah! Let me know if you enjoyed it and I will see all you people (lol who even reads this) in the next chapter! Later!))

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