A Pretend Wedding

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((Hey guys! Welcome back to another one shot! I don't have much to say today so let's just get straight into it! Today's prompt is one of my favorites! "I've never talked to you before but the teacher just used us as an example where we are married."))

"So, take for example Jordan and..Tom. In this example, they're married and they have to figure out a money plan to buy food and also afford to send their kids to school. So they'd have to take into consideration..."

Jordan's head popped up at the mention of his name. When he realized he wasn't being called out for doodling his notebook or being asked a question, he sighed in relief. He hadn't been paying attention the entire lecture, he was more concentrated on the picture of a dragon he was working on. However, he put his pencil down at the word married.

'Married huh? To.. Tom I think?'

Jordan looked around a second before finding said blue haired person. He was only a desk away and he looked just as surprised at he mention of his name as Jordan did. They looked at each other before shrugging. Jordan had never said a word to Tom, and vice versa. Hell, Jordan was pretty sure he'd only waved at the guy once. Jordan chuckled quietly at the idea of him and Tom being married. It was odd to say the least. But Jordan wouldn't mind per say. Tom was pretty attractive and Jordan could see why someone would want to marry him.

'Fuck it,' he thought to himself, 'let's have some fun with this.'

As class ended, Jordan caught up with Tom and began walking beside him. It was lunch next, so they didn't have to worry about classes.

"Hello husband! You didn't bother waiting up for me back there. That was so darude of you." Jordan snickered.

Tom grinned and rolled his eyes, bowing dramatically. "Oh, sorry wife! I didn't realize you'd want to talk. You're normally so busy with your work and all."

Jordan laughed and playfully shoved Tom's shoulder. "So I'm the wife in this marriage?"

"That's how it's been since we got married, remember?"

"Ah yes of course, how could I forget? All this stress from school must be getting to me!"

"Well then, shall we sit together dear? I have an excellent spot where we can hang out."

"Sure, why not. I've got nowhere else to sit."

They walked to the cafeteria, making jokes about their newly found 'marriage' all the while. Then, when lunch ended Jordan turned to Tom and grinned.

"Well, looks like I have to go for now. I assume I'll see you after Jerry's debate club meeting?"

Tom nearly spit out the water he was drinking and shoved at Jordan playfully. Jerry was one of their imaginary children and it was apparently hilarious to Tom. They also had another one called Jeffery, but Tom kept forgetting the name and kept misnaming him; much to Jordan's delight. Jordan was the one who had debate club but he figured Jerry would be a lot funnier.

"Y-yeah! I'll meet you outside the front gate later on, yeah?"

"Yeah of course. See you then, husband!"

"Later wife!" And then they parted ways.

For around two months they'd kept up the fan of them being married. They'd somehow become one of the schools power couples, along with Tom's friends Tucker and Sonja. Rather than becoming awkward about it, they'd taken it in stride. It got to a point where even Jordan and Tom weren't sure whether they were actually dating or if it was still a joke. They'd gotten an lot closer, none the less. They were almost always by each other's side and constantly referring to each other as 'wife' and 'husband'. Even some of the teachers got in on their joke. It wasn't uncommon to hear a teacher say, 'and finally Tom and his wife are the final pair' when it came time for group projects.

"So, I've been thinking about something lately."

"Hm? What's wrong husband? Has Jerry been acting up again?" Jordan chuckled and Tom laughed for a second before shaking his head.

"Nah, nothin' like that. But hey. I was just wondering.. Would you like to.. You know, go out with me sometime? Like, on a date?" Tom said, blushing and shrugging.

It took Jordan a second to reply before he nodded eagerly and blushed himself. "Y-yeah! That sounds really cool. I'd love to go on a date with you."

Tom grinned and they talked about their date for the rest of the afternoon. They went on many dates after that and most of them ended up with them kissing and occasiaonally mustering up the courage to say 'I love you.' They announced to their friends (who quickly told just about half the student body) that they were finally dating after six more dates. Everyone was extremely supportive and would constantly talk about how they'd one day end up as actual husband and wife.

"I wouldn't mind us actually ending up getting married you know."

"I wouldn't either."

((Bad ending is bad! I'm sorry it ended so poorly but I tried! Also, I'm trying a new style of writing to try and make it a bit easier to read! Hopefully it's working and it doesn't make this look terrible. But anyways! Quick announcement! I've started a new story! It's Mianite based ((((again)))) and I think it could be pretty good! There's no certain ship yet so, go check it out maybe and suggest a ship for me to do! Ok, shameless self promotion over. But yeah! I hope you enjoyed this one and I will see all you people in the next chapter! Later!))

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