Video Games Are Hard

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((Sorry! I totally forgot about my update daily promise for this story! So, I'll try and make this one really good, despite the fact that it's like 12:04 am and I'm half asleep. Today's prompt is: "I just got my ass handed to me in SSB4 by this little kid and you were there to witness it." Btw I've never actually played any SSB game so I'm sorry if i get things wrong :,D))

"You gotta be fuckin kidding me..." Tom stared in disbelief as the screen. He'd just gotten his ass royally kicked at an /eleven year old./ And he'd actually lost money because of it! He'd originally said that if the kid could beat him he'd give him ten bucks and well shit. So not only had Tom lost his pride, he also lost the ten bucks he was going to buy food with at the arcades concession stand.

"Thanks for the money!" The kid, Jerry or something, said as he snatched the ten dollar bill in his hand and ran off to brag to his friends who were standing nearby. Tom sighed and leaned against the machine, rubbing his eyes. 'Well. It can't get that much worse, right?' He thought to himself.

"So.. I take it you don't normally lose to eleven year olds at games?"

'Of fucking course it could. Why'd I even bother ?' Tom turned and saw a very good looking stranger. He was wearing nothing special, a pair of green basketball shorts and a black, or was it grey?, shirt. He seemed kind of short and it was honestly really adorable. At least, in Tom's opinion. 'Oh great. That's just perfect. He's cute /and/ he saw me lose ten bucks to a fucking eleven year old. Great job Tom.'

Tom nodded hesitantly and chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah.. I take it you saw all of that then?"

"If by all of it you mean seeing a teenager lose ten bucks to an eleven year old playing as Kirby then yes. I saw every bit of it."

Tom groaned and his his face in his hands. "Great..."

"I mean. Kirby's a pretty tough character to beat. Boarder was no match for him anyways." The guy snickered.

'Cute and sarcastic huh? Oh we're gonna get along great.'

"I know right? He could've at least chosen a character that isn't OP as hell. Kirby just isn't fair man." He shook his head, as if disappointed by the kids choice in brawler. This made the guy start full on laugh and Tom felt strangely proud. 'Hey at least he finds me funny, right?'

"Tell you what, man. As consolation for your /totally/ unfair defeat at the hands of Kirby, how about I buy you something to eat? I got a couple dollars I can spare." The stranger smiled and Tom felt himself start to blush.

'Oh fuck yes, this ones a keeper.'

"Really? If you would that'd be great! That ten bucks was all I brought with me anyways so.."

"Well, it's settled then! Come on, let's go try and find somewhere to sit, yeah? Oh! And I'm Jordan, by the way. Nice to meet you..?"

"Tom. And it's nice to meet you too Jordan."

They ended up buying two slices of pizza and ended up arguing about whether or not Kirby was a guy or not.

"He's so obviously a he!"

"He's a pink blob, dude. Pretty sure Kirby is an it. Or a they, probably." Jordan rolled his eyes playfully and took a bite of pizza.

"But all the games refer to him as a /he!/"

"Unless I can check and make sure, Kirby will forever be an it/them. Case closed."

Tom raised an eyebrow and grinned teasingly. "What, you wanna check out Kirby's dick?"

Jordan laughed. "Dude, who doesn't wanna check out Kirby's dick?"

They laughed and proceeded to make so many dick jokes that they ended up making a mother glare at them as she took her kid away form the dining area. Which, of course, only made them laugh harder and make more dick jokes.

"Tom, you know what you should do?"


"You should have a rematch with that kid who kicked your ass earlier."

"That sounds like a stupid idea and I'm so agreeing to it!"

They wandered around the arcade before finding the kid. They fought again and Jordan had to pay the kid ten more bucks because Tom was still broke.

"You suck at this game man."

"Shut up Jardon!"

"You owe me ten bucks."

"I know, I know."

"Wanna head over to GameStop and play demos?"

"Fuck it, why not?"

Tom lost. Again. Which lead to multiple playful insults and shoving. They ended up getting kicked out for hogging the demos and causing a disturbance. They eventually had to split up. They said goodbye and exchanged numbers, each of them naming the other 'Cute Douchebag' and 'Huge Loser' respectively. Tom had a feeling that they'd be meeting up again very soon. And he wouldn't mind one bit.

((dONE! I'm so tiiiireddd.. But it's done! That's good.. This probably doesn't even seem that romantic but I don't caaaare! I'm too tired to rewrite it >^< But anyways! I hope you all enjoyed ((despite the terrible quality of this one)) and I will see all you people in the next chapter! Later!))

A Series of Bad One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon