The Plan

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Quackity made his way towards Las Navadas restaurant. He'd been waiting for this day. Finally it was here. The plan that would allow him to get a new recruit into his newly formed nation, to add on, he would be able to kill Technoblade. He could take dominance at last on the server and get a new spy for his country. Sam sat waiting in the restaurant tapping his foot and cleaning his sword. As soon as he saw Quackity, he put the sword away to greet him.
"Nice to see you"
"Back at you, Sam." Quackity replied
"You mentioned some kind of plan for a new recruit, care to elaborate?" Sam said as Quackity sat down across from him
"Alright. Sam as the warden you of course know that one of the biggest threats to the prison is Technoblade. He's one of the only people on this server who could possibly break Dream out which we can't have happen."
"Yeah?" Sam shifted in his seat "But what can we do, no one knows where Techno is based. How could we get that information?"
"Yes, your right." Quackity leaned forward "But we don't have to get that information directly off of Technoblade. What about a person who knows where his base is, who knows his plans, operations?"
"Okay, I see where your going." Sam said slowly nodding
"Technos organization is The Syndicate. All of them are decent fighters, there all smart, all of them would make good spies for Las Navadas. But one of them specifically we would be able to capture easily and make them join us." Quackity said
"Who?" Sam asked
"Niki." Quackity said as Sam's eyes widened. "She's a good fighter, and has her ways around especially because she's close to Techno. We capture her, make her give us the information about Technoblade to us and then make her join us."
"I see your thinking there, smart. I think I know where her base is too."
"Well that's a good start. The only problem is that I don't know what we could threaten her with. I don't wanna use death because I think she would easily die and not tell anything about Techno."
"Well, what about threatening to kill Techno and bring back Schlatt and Wilbur. She would hate for all of those to happen." Sam said
"Go on..." Quackity replied
"It doesn't matter if we can't actually do those things, just the thought of it will scare her into giving us what we want." Sam said pulling out his sword and examining it
"Sam. You are a genius." Quackity said smirking "I think we need one more person to help us find and get Niki."
"Who would that be?"

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