The Preparing Process

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"Why?" Niki asked
"Why what?" Purpled said
"Why are you working with Quackity?"
Silence. "Do you not know what a horrible person he is?"
Purpled turned around to face Niki. "What a horrible person Quackity is?! You act like he's not the only damn person that's done bad things on this server!" He started walking towards Niki. "Hell Niki, Ive done messed up stuff, YOUVE done messed up stuff." He said
"Yes that's true but at least I'm not kidnapping people here for no reason." She said rolling her eyes
"There is a reason." He replied
She sat forward "Humor me."
He sighed "You are part of the syndicate. If Techno didn't think you were powerful, a good fighter, a successful spy, he wouldn't have invited you to the organization in the first place."
"You think you'll get answers out of me huh?" She said
Purpled stepped forward. "Not think, know."
She sat back "You never answered my question."
"Why are you working with Quackity?"
"We have...similar objectives." He tried to leave it there but Niki's stare intimidated him. Though he didn't want to admit it. "We both want Technoblade dead. He's the only person in this server that could break Dream out. If that happens I'm screwed." He paused "Quackity had the right price."
"But-" Niki started
He shook his head "Shut up. Let's go"
She got up slowly. He guided her out his hand on her arm, sword in other hand. They walked out of the room. Niki looked around and saw a huge sign that read Las Navadas. Well this was certainly new. Purpled guided her to where Quackity and Sam were waiting. She noticed that her dagger was in Sams scabbard. The dagger Wilbur gave to her. She wanted to let go of it but just couldn't. It was too speacial to her and was all she had left of him.
"Alright, let's get going." Sam said
"This'll be entertaining." Quackity added grinning

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