The Interogation

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Quackity pulled a chair infront of Niki and faced her. "Alright. I'm gonna skip the small talk and cut to the chase. Where is Technoblades base? We can do this the hard way or the easy way." He paused "I'm not asking for an answer." He leaned in "I'm demanding one."
"Well then," Niki said rolling her eyes "your not getting one"
"Come on Niki. Just give us an answer and we can get this over with." Sam said
"You really think that I'm just gonna give out the coordinates of the man that you all hate? I don't think so."
"Just spill it and no one gets hurt." Purpled said
Her eyes widened "What do you mean hurt?"
"Ah now we've got you hooked." Quackity said "If you don't give us the information we need, we will find a way to kill Techno instead of just putting him in the prison and to add on we will revive Wilbur and Schlatt. There's no stopping us."
"How do I know that your actually able to bring people back?" Niki asked
Purpled turned his head to Sam. He was worried. What if they wouldn't be able to get the info after all? To his surprise, Sam looked perfectly calm. But Quakity also looked a bit panicked. He quickly looked at Purple then to Sam.
"Well" Sam began "Dream happens to have the revive book."
"Everyone believes that its not actually real though. Including me." Niki replied looking more relaxed
"Oh its real alright."
"Sam, Purpled, can we talk outside?" Quackity asked standing. The 3 of them filed out of the small room and stood outside so Niki couldn't hear them.
"This is perfect!" Quackity said
"What? How?" Purpled said
"Sam, all of us need to take Niki to the prison. We make Dream revive Wilbur in front of her, then threaten to bring back Schlatt then she'll definitely give us the cords!"
"Your right! Then hopefully we'll have Wilbur on our side." Sam said
"Alright then it looks like were taking a field trip. Purpled can you go get Niki ready?"
"Consider it done." Purpled said beginning to head into the room.
Everything goes according to plan...

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