The Journey

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They began to walk out of Las Navadas. Sam led. He didn't have his sword in his hand but he had it placed on the handle of it which was sitting in his scabbard. Quackity was after him. Anyone with eyes could tell he thought that everything was going perfectly in his mind. Then Niki. She had a blank stare on her face. She wasn't about to give up yet, she had a plan. Purpled was behind her. He had his sword out and had a blank stare on his face as well. As they came to a corner Niki thought  Nows my chance. Niki waited for Sam and Quackity to turn the corner and she then quickly turned around and grabbed Purpleds sword. She held the sword and they stood parallel to eachother. He glared at her.
"Alright let's make something clear." Purpled said "you caught may have caught me off guard but that means nothing."
"Oh please." Niki raised the sword "Let me make something clear. I will be leaving and if you, Quackity or Sam come anywhere near me I will tell Techno to kill-" She froze. Sam and Quackity stood behind her, Sam held a an empty potion in his hand. Her eyes started to close and she fell back. Sam dropped the bottle and caught her. "Can't have her breaking her skull." Sam said
"What the hell did you do to her?" Purpled asked, grabbing his sword
"Potion of weakening, I brewed one last night just to be safe." He said throwing Niki on his back.
"The real question is what the hell happened to you Purp?" Quackity asked
"I don't want to get into it." Purpled replied

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