Ch#16- Snap

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[M'Baka bashes another Outrider -- the ground game has improved considerably with the addition of the God of Thunder. His tribesmen are equally successful around him.]

Everyone thanked their luck, after seeing a devastating defeat on Titan, they needed some good news, and it seems Coup of Wakanda has been successfully stopped.


Jabari Warriors: YA HU HU!

[Thor is in the air, using Stormbringer on the Outrider drop ships which are now retreating. He is having considerably more success than the Wakandan Dragon fliers firing on the fleeing ships.]

"Damn! You are Wreaking those ships!" Sam stated.

Wanda Maximoff: [landing as she finally locates Vision] Are you okay? [Vision flinches in pain before he can answer] What? What is it?

"It's the mind stone, isn't it?" Bucky asked.

Vision: He's here.

Everyone in the theatre tensed, once again.

"Oh.. God!" Peter Whimpered.

"We are out of time" Maria said panicked.

"We have to destroy the Stone" Vision stated.

"We can't, you'll die." Wanda said shocked to hear Vision state something this cruel.

"We can work something else, right? Right, Tony!?" Wanda asked hopefully. Tony opened his mouth but no word came, he wanted to reassure her but he would be lying if he said it was certainly possible to save Vision.

Clint and Natasha got up from their seat and hugs Wanda from both sides, trying to reassure her, she had lost so much, even thinking of what she has suffered and then adding Vision on in it made their eyes teary.

Rhody places his hand on Vision's shoulder, trying to reassure him. As he with everyone else looked at the three in pity.

[The wind picks up. It feels... strange. Eerie.]

Steve Rogers: Everyone, on my position. We have incoming. [He is joined by the Black Widow, Falcon, Okoye and the Black Panther in short order.]

"Seems the time has come." Steve whispers to himself, everything till now was just for the upcoming fight. Counterparts of those on the screen fighting in the Battle of Wakanda steeled themselves for whatever fate awaits them in a fight with the most powerful being they could ever come across.

Natasha Romanoff: What the hell?

Fury, Gamora and Natasha caught up with the meaning of her counterparts reason of exclamation, it seems even the Weather itself is notifying the arrival of Mad Titan. Even the entire battlefield which was just raging with sounds of battle and battlecry have overcome with a unpleasant Silence.

Bruce Banner: [Bruce sees the blue-black clouds of a Space Stone relocation just before Thanos steps forward, and confirms this isn't just another member of the Black Order] Cap. That's him.

"Come on Hulk, can't you help now?" Bruce said to no-one in particular.

"I don't think He cares for anything other than be heard of his demands, as of now Dr. Banner." Strange answered.

"What... What do you mean?" Banner said baffled at Strange's Comment.

"Dr. Banner, you think of Hulk as just a alter-ego. Right?"

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