Ch#8- Reality

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[Cut to the past, at Gamora's home planet Zen-Whoberi during Thanos's massacre. Gamora and her mother are hiding; the sounds of guns and screaming are outside.]

"What.. what is this?" Tony asked aloud.

"My Home Planet." Gamora said in a monotone voice, trying to cover her sadness and anger. Some heroes trying to comprehend someone seeing their home and family destruction with this much detachment. But Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Peter Quill, Loki Odinson and Stephen Strange saw right through the facade. Peter squished Gamora's hand in sympathy.

Gamora's Mother: [to Young Gamora] Shhh. We'll be safe. We'll be safe.

"I wish..." Peter said sadly.

[An explosion goes off close by and Gamora screeches by reflex, revealing their hiding spot.]

Child of Thanos: [untranslated inquiry]

[The door is smashed open and both Zehobereians scream.]

Peter and Scott jumped at the scream but for different reasons.

The only thought circling Steve's mind was 'is only death and destruction is in the future' but who can say what will happened.

[Outside, it is utter chaos. Leviathans, Chitauri chariots and ring-ships fly overhead; explosions and energy bolts from numerous sources criss-cross the panicked population, felling them randomly; smoke arises from countless fires.]

"This was Earth's fate if you had lost!" Rhody said horrified.

Everyone had a very descriptive image of earth had the Core Avengers had lost. And every image is more horrific than the other.

Ebony Maw: Zehobereians...

Young Gamora: [being dragged by one arm through the crowds] Mother! Where's my mother?!

Ebony Maw: Choose a side, or die.

This got number of shout which cannot be comprehend by children. Let just say Deadpool would be proud on them.

"Guy's Children are here!" Steve yell over others with his hands over Peter's ears. With Peter looking thoroughly embarrassed.

Young Gamora: Mother! [She punches at the arm of the one dragging her who surprisingly drops her arm and leaves]

Ebony Maw: One side is a revelation. The other, an honor known only to a few.

"I am groot. (I am bored of him.)" Groot sighs. Rocket, Gamora, Loki and Thor mode.

"More like had enough of him." Strange comments and got a Surprise looks from everyone. Not even THE Spy can hide his surprise.

"How can you understand him, Tarren!?" Rocket asked astonished.

"Well I did a Dimensional Voice Translation Spell on myself after learning that Groot speaks a Different language." Stephen explains "and please call me Stephen."

"Good one, Wizard. If I didn't know that language already, it would be my first choice to use that spell." Loki approved with a snarky smirk at everyone's flabgarded expression.

[Gamora turns and finds herself facing Thanos in his full Titan armour.]

Thanos: What's wrong, little one?

Young Gamora: My mother. Where is my mother?

"You were brave even at that age!" Sam stated.

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