Ch#11- Nidavellir

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[Cut to Thanos' mother-ship, Sanctuary II, which dwarfs the massive ring-ships the Black Order have been using. Gamora sits near the throne deep inside the ship. Thanos walks up, bringing a cup of food and holds it out to her.]

Thanos: I thought you might be hungry.

Gamora flinched.

[Gamora takes it, then hurls it across the room where it bangs against Thanos' throne with a loud clack.]

Gamora: I always hated that chair.

"And will always Hate it." Gamora murmured.

Thanos: So I've been told. Even so. I'd hoped you'd sit on it one day.

"What!?" It was a general reaction.

Gamora: I hated this room. This ship. I hated my life.

Thanos: You told me that too. [Thanos mounts two of the four steps to his throne, turns, and sits on the second from the top.] Every day. For almost twenty years.

"Then you should listen to her." Quill said.

Gamora: I was a child when you took me.

Thanos: I saved you.

"You Massacred her Planet!" Steve shouted at Screen.

Gamora: No. No. We were happy on my home planet.

Thanos: Going to bed hungry, scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I'm the one who stopped that. Do you know what's happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It's a paradise.

"Is he lost some screws up there?" Sam asked rhetorically, gesturing to his head.

Gamora: Because you murdered half the planet.

"My God!?" Bruce exclaimed Horrified.

Thanos: A small price to pay for salvation.

"Salvation!?" Rhodey asked.

"He's a psychopath." Maria said.

Gamora: You're insane.

Thanos: Little one, it's a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.

While what was said had made sense to some in the room who were known to see things practically like Tony, Stephen, Fury and T'challa.

They deduced that even a Finite Universe is unthinkable vast and there is much more time to prepare for something like that. But Tony's mind also deduced that their knowledge was bound by Earth, it seems much developed species were facing this problem unprepared. Humans have to Prepare for ending of Resources on Earth, he have to find some way for having Arc Reactor tech public without the fear of Weaponization.

Stephen took point from Thanos's Statement and came to conclusions that He doesn't know of most of the Cosmic entities of the Universe. He doesn't know that Life isn't Unchecked, there are beings Watching, Beings keeping Balance in the Universe. There is no way his conclusions are to be coming at a Universal level. On One or other planet, it can be a reason of extinction. But on Grander Stage, it should not be the Problem.

Gamora: You don't know that!

Strange nods. It seems even the Mad Titan doesn't know everything. It's Comforting in a way. It gives hope for the Heroes that He isn't Inflapable.

Thanos: [Scowls as his egotistical narcissism prevents him from fully listening to her] I'm the only one who knows that. At least, I'm the only one with the will to act on it.

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