Ch#1- Job to do

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Dr Strange was meditating, when he suddenly transported to another place without his knowing.

He was floating in space and in front of him were three heads floating without a body a one-eyed Bald Head of a Man in Centre, A Green Lady head with some light coming from her forehead in his Right and a Tiger head in Left.
His first thought 'what is happening!?'

But before he say anything, the Bald Head started. "Stephen Strange, Master of Mystic Arts and Master of New York Sanctum. We are Vishanti. You have been deemed worthy and Powerful Enough for becoming Sorcerer Supreme. So we Grant you the Place and Responsibilities of a Protector of This realm. You are to protect this whole Cosmos from Other Evil entities. And to See the Magical distribution in this Cosmos you are to be given a Gift, which helps to locate every Mystical energy in this Cosmos. So we grant you the 'Orb of Agamotto'."

Dr Strange was stunned to say least. He was in front of the Trinity of Vishanti- Agamotto the all-seeing, omnipotent Oshtur and hoary Hoggoth. He just bowed and accepted the gift still in shock.

He was instantly teleported back where he was. He explained everything to Wong. And to His further surprise. Wong gave a bow and said. "Now you have a big Responsibility on you shoulders Master Strange. You have to be aware of every Magical threat around Cosmos. Playtime is Over, Sorcerer Supreme." Wong said last part as he was scolding a Child.

For a Month, 'Newly Appointed' Sorcerer Supreme searched the orb and determined their security. He was surprised to see that there are some Masters of mystic arts, around the Realm which are under his protection and work as a mini police force of Universe. Stabilising smaller Mystical Threats on their own.

A Day during seeing through the Orb, Strange sees a powerful Mystical Source which has not been determined as Who or What is this Source? He opened a portal through Orb because it was some thousand galaxies away.

When arriving there he sees that there was not a single planet but a Cosmic entity. That being was fully Golden with at least Three attached head, one fully and one halfway hidden by a 'Cloth'? With the Centre face, Entity was watching him. But the body was not attached to those heads. What the hell? Anyway! And Bight light as Sun was coming from its Chest.'

Then it hit him, He knows this Entity, Most powerful according to the books. It's the 'Living Tribunal' himself. Dr Strange bows slowly in front of the magnificent Entity.

"You have overcome the Trail of Death in Dark Dimension, Sorcerer Supreme. As a result, you will not die of age or any disease. You have overcome age. Now you will only die in a fight. Beware Sorcerer, this Universe has many threats and now its your responsibility to protect this realm from them." With this Strange was left alone in the vastness of Space as Living Tribunal vanished. He opened a portal to Sanctum but landed inside a Building on ... 'Moon!?'

He thought 'why is my life playing with me!? The Moon? seriously! Who has a house on moon? And why the hack am I here? Not even sling ring is working? Is that even possible!?' As he tried to open a portal home.

Strange sighs and decided to scroll around a bit to search about who live here. He turns right from the gate to face an old man (Stan Lee) which Strange thought he seen before. So he opened his mouth to ask about moon, sling ring not working, and who is he?

"I am Uatu, I am a Watcher. We are from a race which observes every event in universe. We generally never interact with other species. But I was given a work by supreme being of the multiverse." At this Strange asked "who is this being?"

"It is referred as 'One above All' even by Tribunal." Uatu answered with a smile on his face knowing Strange's curiosity.
"My Work is to give you this." He shoved two small boxes a Black and a Gold, Black was comparatively bigger then the golden one, and a letter to Strange. "You will be able to go after this meeting and never speak of this meeting or Tribunal's message with any soul, no one on earth has to know of my house. You may have to explain others of my existence and my work because I sometimes didn't really follow the 'no interaction' rule. Whole universe is at stake and your part is to determine what is written in the letter, was done." Uatu finished.

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