Chapter 5: Friendship is Magic Part 2

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Nightmare Moon laughs.

Mayor Mare: Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!

A few Royal Guards try to grab her but Nightmare Moon charges a spell and shoots it making lightning hit the Guards.

Nightmare Moon: Stand back, you fools!

Nightmare Moon is about to laugh again as something moving faster than the eye can track charges at and hits her into the brick wall making her grunt.

Everypony is silent as they notice Diamond Voice standing where Nightmare Moon originally was a dark look on his face as traces of dark magic could be felt coming from his horn.

Twilight Sparkle: Did Diamond just hit Nightmare Moon?!

Rainbow & Spike: Yeah and it was awesome!

Nightmare Moon: You think you can defeat me you fool!

Diamond Voice: We will see Nightmare Moon

Diamond charged at Nightmare Moon again who quickly dodged a punch and tried to hit him with a magic blast as he twisted his body and dodged it.

Nightmare Moon: You can't dodge forever!

Nightmare Moon tried to hit him with a jab but he easily caught her hoof and kicked her in the shins

Nightmare Moon: Argh!

Diamond then kicked her in the face with his hooves making her noise bleed as it was red and bruised.

Nightmare Moon: Enough!

Nightmare Moon suddenly stood up as she used her magic to float Diamond up and throwback into the wall making him grunt in pain as he hit his head and he is knocked out.


Diamond grunted in pain as he opened his eyes expecting to still be in the town hall but instead he is in a black endless landscape devoid of any life.

Diamond Voice: Huh?...where am I hello!

No response could be heard until he heard crying?

He looked in the direction of the crying and began to walk towards it until he saw a unique sight.

He looked in the direction of the crying and began to walk towards it until he saw a unique sight

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A Blue Alicorn crying.

Diamond Voice: Excuse me, miss?

The Blue Alicorn suddenly looked up tears still on her eyes as she notices Diamond and jumps back scared of his sudden appearance.

Blue Alicorn: how did you get here!

Diamond Voice: Well after trying to fight Nightmare Moon-

Blue Alicorn: Nightmare Moon!

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