Chapter 6: Time with The Element of Magic

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Moaning Diamond slowly got out of bed it has been a week since Nightmare Moon's defeat and Princess Luna's return.

Diamond Voice: Oh my Harmonia my back.

Diamond stretched his spine clicking.

Recently Diamond has been getting tired faster than normal and he knows why for the past few months he has been using a spell to hide his wings.

Diamond Voice: I can't hide the fact I'm an Alicorn forever.

He sighed as he went out of his room and went downstairs of the library since he and Twilight are now living together wink.

He sees Twilight who had glasses on and reading a book as she notices him.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh Diamond your awake.

She levitated her glasses off and put them on the table.

Twilight Sparkle: You went to sleep extremely early again.

She went closer to him.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you alright Diamond?

Diamond stared into her eyes her worried look making him squeal inside.

Diamond put a reassuring smile on his face.

Diamond Voice: I'm alright Twi just tired from the past week with Nightmare Moon and all that.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh ok but please tell me if something is wrong I'm your friend so is the other girls.

Diamond pulled Twilight into a hug making her blush from such an unexpected action.

Diamond Voice: I know Twilight I wouldn't have helped you and the girls if I wasn't your friend.

Twilight smiled and leaned into the hug after a few seconds they both let go as Diamond looked around.

Diamond Voice: Where is Spike?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh he went to help Rarity with her dresses and suits.

Diamond Voice: Or his little crush on her.

Twilight nodded as she smirked.

Diamond Voice: So what are you gonna do today?

Twilight Sparkle: Well I haven't written my friendship report to Princess Celestia yet and Applejack did say she needed help with something.

Diamond Voice: Sounds you have a busy day I'll leave you to it then oh and I'll help you with Applejack if you want to?

Twilight nodded as Diamond walked out of the library and she got a letter and began to write.
Dear Princess

Today I showed concern to Diamond Voice expressing my concerns for why he has been going to sleep at extremely early times. We also shared an intimate moment where Diamond showed he cared for me and my friends.

From your student Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight read the letter through again and smiled as he placed the letter gently on the table.

Twilight Sparkle: I'll make sure Spike sends it later.

She stood up and went out of the Library door as she made her way to Sweet Apple Acres.

She trotted up the path until she heard two familiar voices Diamond and Applejack as she entered the area of Sweet Apple Acres Applejack noticed her.

Applejack: Twilight you made it!

Diamond Voice: Of course she did she is our friend.

Twilight walked closer to them.

Twilight Sparkle: So what did you need help with Applejack?

Applejack: I already told Diamond but I'll tell you as well.

She looked towards the trees.

Applejack: it's getting closer to winter if you couldn't think to tell in a few months we cant harvest any more apples so I need your's and Diamond's help to move as many apples as you can Into the barn.

Twilight nodded.

Twilight Sparkle: Sounds easy enough.

Applejack went to the barn and got a few baskets as she hands them to Twilight and Diamond.

Applejack: Let's get to it!

They all began to harvest the apple Diamond helping Twilight since she isn't strong enough to kick the trees and have the apples fall into the basket.

After an hour they had gathered thousands of apples as Diamond lifted multiple baskets as Applejack does the same putting them in the barn.

Applejack: Alright I think that's enough for winter well it was nice havin' help you two can go.

Diamond and Twilight walk out of the orchard as they began to walk to the library.

Diamond Voice: I just want to ask Twilight why did you warm up to me minutes after you met me at the Summer Sun Celebration?

Twilight Sparkle: Well...

Twilight blushes not expecting this question.

Twilight Sparkle: I guess you are just more approachable than other Ponies in Ponyville.

Diamond looked at her and shook his head as they entered the Library and saw spike who was eating some gems.

Spike: Your back where were you?

Diamond Voice: Helping Applejack prepare for the winter and let me guess you helped Rarity?

He nodded a proud smile on his face.

Spike: Yep, She asked for my help in the future.

Twilight Sparkle: Enough about Rarity Spike I made a friendship report and I want-

Spike: To send it?

He ate another gem.

Spike: I sent it earlier I always know you want me to send it I'm your assistant after all.

Twilight got a sheepish smile on her face.

Spike rolled his eyes and went to sit down.

Diamond Voice: Twilight I just want to tell your something.

Twilight got a curious look on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: Ok.

They both went upstairs to the lookout point of the library.

Twilight Sparkle: So what did you want to talk to me about?

Diamond Voice: I'm gonna be honest with you Twilight I haven't been truthful to you and the girls.

Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean?

Diamond Voice: Remember earlier today I woke you asked me why I go to sleep early?

She nodded causing Diamond to take a deep breath.

Diamond Voice: This is why

Diamond dropped his spell causing his wings to finally be revealed causing Twilight's eyes to widen as she gasped.

Twilight Sparkle: You're an Alicorn...

Diamond Voice: Hold your questions Twilight I did this so I wouldn't stand out amongst other ponies I'm sorry for lying to you and the girls.

Diamond looked down as Twilight tried to get it into her head as she suddenly hugged Diamond and kissed him.

Twilight Sparkle: It's okay Diamond your just the same as other ponies Alicorn or not.

Diamond smiled.

Diamond Voice: Thank you for understanding Twilight I'll the other girls when I get the chance.

They both cuddle as they watch the sunset...

And that is that so the point of this chapter is to have them bond and so Diamond can reveal his true self I'll be writing other ones for the other girl's.

Equestria is real! (Male Alicorn reader x My Little Pony)Where stories live. Discover now