Chapter 1: Introduction

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(Hey everyone if You read my stories back in early 2019 you would know I was doing an MLP: FIM book but I stopped it and took it down this is the rewrite now I was supposed to make this back in mid-2019 but me being me I forget so I have decided to do it know. And remember since I have been on Wattpad for 2 years now my writing has changed a lot)

Equis is one of the most peaceful lands you could find in the multiverse but also the most famous is The planet called Earth a place filled with intelligent life mainly Humans. However, Equestria is a work of fiction on Earth but what most people don't know is that Equestria is real. It's not a work of fiction and one man named Eric will find out...

Y/N was just a normal human on Earth he had a good education, childhood and life. But he was missing one thing in the life adventure he so desperately wished he could venture to space to find other intelligent life. He always thought that it was just a silly dream that would never happen until now.

Y/N was currently sitting in his living room watching TV when he got a text on his phone.

Y/N: Oh a text from Nick let's see 'Hey dude you know that you want adventure in your life I was thinking if you went to the MLP universe'

Y/N shook his head

Y/N: Nick loves that show which makes people call him a Brony I have no problem with it to be honest he is still my friend. I did watch some of the first seasons of it when it originally launched but I stopped out of boredom.

Y/N stood up from his couch as he walks to his bedroom

Y/N: Now that I think about I should watch some of the first season and the others since I have heard that has changed a lot since season one

Y/Nenters his room and put his phone on his dresser and he got on his PC as he went on Netflix and typed in the search bar 'MLP: FIM'

The show came up as he clicked on it and looked at how many seasons there are.

Y/N: not a lot but it has a few of the seasons one to five Well time to binge some MLP

Y/N clicked on the play button as he leaned back on his chair and began watching the show.

A few hours pass

Y/N was still leaning in his chair he had his shirt off as he was eating some walkers crisps as he watched the last episode of the final season on MLP.

Y/N: Jesus for kids show has a lot of characters and lore why is it that when I was a kid I had shit shows, not stuff like this I had things like the number jacks I bet if I watched this as a kid I would love it anyway.

Y/N rubs his eyes as he checked the time on his computer and it was 2:37 in the morning he yawned as he got off his chair and undressed till he was in his boxers and jumped on his bed.

Y/N: time for a good nap...

Y/N closed his eyes as darkness embraced him he spent a few minutes In darkness as he suddenly as a blinding white light entering his eye sockets.

He eventually forced his eyes open but he wasn't in his bed he was in an almost heaven-like landscape he looked around as he then saw a huge sized pony with long white hair as he stared.

Harmonia: Hello Human my name is Harmonia the God of Equestria I listened for your hope of an adventure one filled with happiness and possibly love

Y/N: Where...where am I?!

Harmonia: You are in my Scape a land controlled by me I want to give you a life-changing offer

Y/N crosses his arms as looked into Harmonia's eyes

Y/N: What is the offer?

Harmonia: to be reborn in the land of Equestria as Alicorn a pony of friendship

Y/N: an Alicorn... but I have done nothing to earn an Alicorn to be my new species nor do I deserve it

Harmonia Smiled as she walked toward him

Harmonia: Only beings that have shown complete friendship and all elements of Harmony would be turned into an Alicorn you have shown them constantly since your birth on Earth and so I like to reward you with this offer, you've also passed in your sleep. Do you accept Human?

Y/N looks down conflicted as he thought if he did accept her offer he would be in a brand new land full of Adventure but he would never see his family or friends again. But if he declined his life would stay the same.

Y/N breathed slowly as he looked up at Harmonia

Y/N: I accept your offer, Harmonia, oh and by the way my name is Eric But now since I'm going to be an Alicorn I will choose my name as Diamond Voice

Harmonia Smiled gently as she channelled her magic through her Horn.

Harmonia: Very well Y/N you will now be made into an Alicorn named Diamond Voice you will be teleported to the Everfree Forest

Y/N nodded as he closed his eyes the white light covered him as he disappears.

Equestria what a lovely place full of friendly Ponies and a bunch of other creatures as Everypony was going about their day there was a loud sound in the Everfree Forest like a lightning strike and an Alicorn fell to the grass the Alicorn had a Dark Blue mane and a black body his name was Diamond Voice and his adventure starts now...

(Hoped you enjoyed I plan to get this book to at least season 3 but I might get even more)

Equestria is real! (Male Alicorn reader x My Little Pony)Where stories live. Discover now