Chapter 6 | That Place

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My skull was throbbing as I came too, my body ached al over and felt as if I was going to die. The musty air around me filled my sensitive nostrils instantly and they flared in disgust. I thought I was first returned to my old packs dungeons, but the bed felt worse not even any old springs or anything; this mattress was as hard as rock and my back screamed in discomfort as it put worse pressure on what I assumed to be my broken ribs.

It was only when I had opened my eyes and properly looked at my surroundings, that everything which had happened before I passed out finally hit and I lurched up, the wounds on my body that were still attempting to heal reopening on my body as my broken bones shifted to my fast movements.

I winced while glancing around, solid concrete walls closed in on me as I laid on a plank of mouldy wood, a door made of what appeared to be solid steal stood off to my left. Nothing like what the pack houses cells were like, this felt like something from Alcatraz itself.

The walls had been scrubbed with bleach, along with the concrete floors the faint smell lingering as if this cell wasn't used often. 

Glancing down at my body I realised I was naked as the day as I was born, the sight of my skin making the coldness of the room hit harder as goosebumps raised along my arms. My deeper wounds had reopened in my fast movements and were throbbing as they reopened. Deep purple bruises lined my midsection and sides and the bites I had received from the pack wolves lingered on and grew red around the edges of each wound; werewolf bites were filled with bacteria and could often lead too infections as I recognised the same symptoms appearing on my wounds.

I winced at every tiny movement I made and made an effort to lay back down as still as possible as I felt my wolf doing her absolute best to heal me as much as she was capable of.

Too quickly my peace was broken as I watched the door open and that man  enter the cell along with what I could only assume as guards. All of them vampires.

The guards appeared to be in what i could only assume there third or fourth century; both holding glares as they watched me as they methodically almost robotically moved. One with brown hair and a slim build; the other a much bulkier man with a lighter tone of brown hair, his eyes swapping between red and green every few movements as his nostrils flared, obviously wishing he could lick all the blood off my body which had been caked on since I had passed out along with the blood still oozing from some of my more aggravated and deep wounds.

But he had caught my attention the most. His eyes were an electric blue, his black locks short and curly with the faintest bit of straight to his head, he had a hard jawline and plump lips. If I wasn't at this mans mercy I would have almost fawned at his presence; he was quite pale but with a decent enough build. As if knowing that his status didn't mean he had to bulk up his appearance to become more menacing.

The vampire king himself stood before me, pissed.

"Your name?" He asked me with anger laced in his tone.

"Cindy." I softly responded as I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position, leaning my back against the cells concrete wall with wavering breathes.

"I don't like that." He responded back quickly with a snap.

I glowered towards him, a frown etched deep into my face. I can almost hear Georgina responding to me 'turn that frown upside down pretty girl!'

My heart stopped for moment as I realised that I most likely will never see her again and never even had the chance to say goodbye, who knows what stories they made up about me too her. I can only imagine how betrayed she must be feeling from my absence right now.

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