Chapter 7 | A Time Skip

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I've had to stay on the down low. Dominic is still hunting me. I refuse to think and remember what he did to me during that time, that cell, that pain, all the pain I did. The dank musty smell of that place never leaves me and the sounds of metal clanging together and silver whips make me feel sick to my stomach at the mere thought.

After that I knew I would have to get a job. Leaving mid way through the final year of school meant I knew that getting a job that didn't require my identity and or any credentials would be difficult to find, so I was forced to take a job at the local stripping club in town, the money's good but it makes me feel sick every time I do it. Even then I couldn't risk buying an apartment, if I did those stupid fucking vampires might track me down, so I made refuge in a cave in rogue territory. I can barley get enough food to last me through autumn if I wanted to keep saving money at a quick rate I didn't care if I starved, so I resorted to hunting most of the time. I've even started doing 'extra work' in after hours to help speed up the process. So now it was early spring, a full three years after I had left my pack that night and as I sat in my little cave continuing to hate myself for spoiling my body, I wished I had done something different. I just needed to save as much money as possible so I could leave here as soon as possible and finally leave everything behind.

The only place I can be myself is in the forest and my room, every time I enter the human town I disguise myself as a babe. A cocky blonde who wears too much make up and has boobs like a girl from an anime.

Her name is Wren. I even figured out that if I put an illusion into each and every persons mind they won't see my eyes brightly coloured, but it uses much more of my power than what I would actually like. So I've begun to resort to using contacts to help cover the brightness.

I even made a friend while I was in the strip club; he was a guard and a powerful supernatural and saw through my illusions. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone and has made sure to keep an eye out for me when I can't. Because there had been one to many times when I was in more than just a bit danger.

But I had to keep telling myself. Everything happens for a reason.

Because it just helps me feel better that if I did all these things that I might get something good out of it. Because without the bad stuff we can't enjoy the good. So I'm praying to every fucking God and Goddess out there that something good happens to me soon.

What I did find nice was my cave, I had made it really homey and even though there's no electricity gas or plumbing I make do. The cave starts off as a sort of hill, the entrance disguised by many different reeds and plantation, covering any light that may escape from my room. When you enter first it looks like a plain old cave but with a minute walk or so there's a turn off with my room in it, I've never searched further inside out of fear of something dangerous lurking.

Inside my room is a double mattress that has proper blankets and sheets, with different old pillows that I've bought. Even a bed side table that held a couple of books and first aid kit that has everything from band aids to sewing materials. I have a coffee table that was cheap, used as a dining room table and desk. I have my little battery powered lantern that can last up to forty eight hours straight with only four batteries. I have two buckets with one for a hamper and one for water if need be and I have a cooler next to that which is filled with fruits, water bottles, meat and other food. Then a large old style chest held my clothes, my backpack lent up against it. I walk outside away from camp whenever I have to 'relieve' myself.

So in my little cave I had made myself a sort of living.

My watch sat beside my bed, which when I listen closely I can hear it's circuits tick by. It's calming if you ask me; helping to keep me centered whenever I felt an oncoming panic attack and or after a rough day. The time on the watch didn't make me feel calm. It was around two hours till my next shift at the club in town, I felt sick to my stomach.

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