Chapter 5 | ...

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My body ached all over, my heart ripped in two, my soul was burning from the recent rejection. The rejection of a mate bond was said to be one of the most painful feelings in the universe. His voice was till prominent in my mind.

I could feel the blood dried up all over my body, cracking as my body swayed. After managing to escape the grips of the pack wolves and the dumbass alpha I was left to wander for hours before a group of three vampires had jumped me, with so much adrenaline in my body and fear I was able to use my most powerful illusion on each of them, the one the most memorable to me the girl of the trio.

She was the most powerful vampire out of them clearly alive for centuries but with the most deranged look in her eyes that would have made me think that she was freshly turned. She had no fear in her eyes as they shone bright red, as bright as the blood that was being spilled from my wounds. Her red locks flowed around her in an unearthly way, her body the picture of perfection with not a scar tainted on her beautiful skin.

She giggled and laughed as she continued to beat the ruthless shit out of me. Her face was splattered with my blood, most vampires would have stopped one most of my wounds were spewing blood as much as they were; ready to feast. Yet she seemed to enjoy torturing me as she continued to shatter my bones and break my skin.

I enjoyed watching her eyes cover over in black as my illusion wrecked havoc on her mind, I made sure that she would definitely die. Her screams filled my ears along with the screams of her partners in crime as I walked away.

My unearthly almost golden eyes shone as I gazed through my lashes at the night sky. The moon looked as if it wasn't there, and I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't, the faint look of the moon in the starlit sky could be apart of my wishful thinking and imagination. Supernaturals believe during every new moon the moon goddess is unable to watch over her people, thus meaning no one is protected from the dangers that humans and or fellow supernaturals posed; concluding that there was no hope for me now as a goddess is even unable to help me.

This was the most alone I had ever felt in my life.

My mother was far, far, far away.

My father was deep, deep, deep underground.

My mate had left, left, left me.

My best friend didn't know, know, know of my plight.

I didn't realise I had sung this little chant out loud until I felt a strong fist against my jaw, the satisfying crack making the sick creature 'hmph' in triumph. My mouth pooled with endless amounts of blood almost immediately. I was royally pissed at this, the second time being attacked in the same night, I wasn't prepared for this.

I felt strong arms wrap underneath my armpits as I was lifted up, my head in a daze, worse then it should have been due to the wound I had woken up with when I was inside the cells. I was too out of it to scream at the person who had grabbed me after his hand had brushed over my bare chest.

I glanced at him, letting my head roll to the side falling against my shoulder. I was glad that in this moment as the young skinny man dragged what anyone would assume was my lifeless corpse across the grass. He had his arms looped behind him underneath my shoulders, wearing me as if i was a back pack, with only my bare and bloodied feet dragging across the grass 

The man who I had assumed punched me was walking fast to keep up with his young partner, the thousands of years of life had obviously taken its toll on his soul.

Most vampires appeared this way.

He was covered in battle scars of his human life, pale skin showing the sickening abuse that happened to him. His eyes were lifeless and seemed as if he could find no joy in the world around him, sunken in cheeks against a broad and strong frame made him almost comical.

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