Chapter 1 | A Decent School

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The bus drove for around twenty minutes before it parked itself in the school bus bays.

I sighed as the doors opened luging my bag over my shoulder and adjusting my headphones as I walked down the aisle. Stepping softly I went down the steps saying a small 'thank you' to the bus driver before my boots hit the pavement.

I looked behind me as the doors shut, a loud 'squeak' noise heard before a final 'clamp'. Then the bus took off, its wheels scraping across the pavement in one smooth movement.

I sighed once again turning back to my school. It was a huge school that was in the middle of Canada, where most werewolves and supernatural alike would live, why? Because it's such a big country and there population is so small that it makes it almost impossible for people to become suspicious about wolves and magic.

Which was most likely a good thing.

Supernaturals live all around the world, with most species liking to live amongst other species. So when you walk down the street to the supermarket or hang out with your friends at the local mall. Your bound to see at least five different species of supernatural beings and not even realise.

This school that I am at is mostly filled humans, but a good forty percent of students would be supernaturals. I am a hybrid of supernatural which means I'm not liked amongst most of the pure bloods.

From what my mother has told me my father was a powerful wizard and she was mated to him. The rule amongst the supernatural people is that, if you are mated to a different species it's fine. As long as you do not have a child.

Which sadly my parents didn't obey. I was conceived one fateful night and my father convinced the council to let me live if he died as punishment. My mum hasn't really liked me after that.

I was the reason her mate was dead, even though she loves her child she will always have this slight hate against me which I can't understand. But it was my fathers choice and sometimes I wish he didn't do it so he wasn't harmed, therefore making my mother happy.

I sighed again, rubbing under my eyes to get rid of the oncoming tears that I forced away. So placing a smile on my face I walked up the concrete stairs and towards the brick school, that looked like a detention centre.

The sliding doors opened for me as I walked inside, a soft 'click' as they shut behind me. I navigated my way across the tiled pathways and towards my locker, number 472. It looked the same as always, the plain blue that had been scratched and written on so many times it looked destroyed and needed repairs.

I gulped and opened my locker shoving my books inside and taking out my laptop and the books I would need for the first part of the day, I went to the library.

I pushed my headphones further on my head as music begun to play. 

The library was luckily close to my locker and I shoved open the glass doors with my shoulder as I stumbled into the room. It was actually quite pretty our library, the librarian had a large desk next to the door where she would scan the books and tell people off for speaking too loudly or running. The rest of the room had light grey walls with a green carpet, that looked dumb but somehow worked. The desks and tables were cheap and stood on the left side of the room with only around ten desks having computers on top with chairs and tables thrown wherever they please. On the right side of the room were the lines and shelves of books of all different sorts and sizes, with a little sitting area in the middle with bean bags and a coffee table where people could read and do homework.

So thats where I went. Around the bookshelves and around the odd chair or two I made it to the centre of the reading area where the coffee table and beanbags sat, the whole space quiet and cut off. Then I begun to attempt to study.

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