Chapter 4 | Bullshit

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The Moon lit my way as I watched the surrounding trees pass me by, the image only a blur as I continued to run forward in wolf form.

I looked down and watched my paws, they were smaller than all the other wolves but they still moved just as quick, maybe even faster. My mother always told me since my wolf was small it would be more agile, I would be able to make sharper and more rapid turns rather than a huge wolf. My mum even said that if I wanted to and with enough practice I could join the warriors of the pack...but I guess that will never happen.

A howl from behind me had me pushing myself faster, the trees turning into a mess of browns and greens. The summer weather making them more vibrant this time of year.

I looked ahead of me and caught a glimpse of the night sky in front of me, the stars twinkling brightly and the moon cut out in the shape of a banana. I howled loudly in a sort of 'back off' to the guards, I was kind of hoping that it would make them slow down or stop chasing me altogether.

But as I gave a quick glance back behind me to the wolves that chased me I felt my eyes widen and jaw drop.

I had only seen him a couple of times around the pack grounds, never thinking much of it. But now as I looked back at his chasing wolf form I couldn't help but admire it's broad size and strength.

He was huge, almost the size of a car. His muscles were bulging even with the thick layer of dark brown fur, I could see when each of his muscles would flex and contract. His fur was a sort of ombré brown, some lighter patches littering his body and others almost as dark enough to be called black, it was gorgeous. I watched his eyes the most, a dazzling gold just like mine, almost as if penetrating my soul and finding out my deepest secrets with only one look. His teeth were the same colour of the snow after a recent snow storm, his lip lifting as he let out a snarl and bark at me snapping me out of my day dream.

The soon to be Alpha was going to kill me.

I growled straight back at his huge form, knowing I had nothing to loose as I lept over a large fallen trunk. The peice of wood giving me an idea.

Using my mothers words of how I would be agile the next large tree I saw I turned sharply. Using my hind legs to propel me around. I heard the alphas wolf bark loudly before a loud bang was heard, my wolf letting out a playful snort as she made her way around the large trunk and continued on past him towards the border.

I could hear the guards loudly barking way behind me, most likely aiding to their hurt Alpha. Gee, if I was fast enough to out run the packs guards who are trained nearly everyday, I must have been fast.

I started feeling happy at my new found talent a wolf smirk appearing on my face before I sensed the border ahead of me. My wolf begun growing anxious her black tail tucking itself between my legs as my nose twitched with unease as well, the sensation not new to me. This is what would happen before something big happened. Most likely being the fact that I was about to abandon my pack, best friend and mother.

But the worst possible thing happened.

In front of me I watched two very large wolves make there way out in front of me, snarling my way. I watched them carefully as they blocked the borders and my way of escape. I growled loudly but to no avail.

The wolves growled back louder and fiercer my wolf instantly wanting to run away from these powerful guards.

Soon enough the one on the left with the same coloured fur as mine except for a couple of white splotches lunged for me snapping its teeth at me as it stepped forward.

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