Jungkook and Jeongguk

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"....And as of for today madam, another body found of a male alpha werewolf species. This time by an abandoned building with claw marks slashed across his neck, both arms detached from the body, and his genitals harshly shoved down his throat brutally killing him. The man's body had been discovered this morning by some kids who were playing a game pass the building and saw the bloody scene on their way to school.

We advised everyone to not stay out late at night and make sure their doors and windows are secured during night time as well-"

With a beautiful hand being raised to silence the favored fellow scout, Jungkook lets out a sigh pinching the bridge of his soft rounded nose from stress beside their realm's almighty goddess LIRAZ herself, and the hand falls back down to her lap. When the scout, Kim Namjoon, was able to compose himself and pay close attention, she speaks up.

"So....what are you gonna do now, Kook? Your brother is off the chain and we need to figure out a way to restrain him to where he needs to stop killing." LIRAZ looks at the young man. Jungkook stands there for a moment before turning around and looking at his goddess with a soft smile.

"I'll have to think about it. I'm trying to figure if I want to be violent or talk to him?" Jungkook says and Namjoon bursts into chuckles.

"I don't have time to heal you today, Kook. Do not fight with your brother. I want you to consult with him and make him stop killing my people and those amongst different worlds as well. If he does not listen, I will consider a very unpleasant punishment and show wrath upon him. And for me to see him when I look at you doesn't feel right when he is doing nothing but sins. Though you both are twins, you both need to settle upon some kind of bond to calm his rage." Jungkook groans explaining a million times why him and Jeongguk don't get along.

The goddess then stands with such awesome and her melanin skin, burnt like stainless copper, gave her such glow to her thus by far beauty. LIRAZ walks over to Jungkook with such elegance and squats down to her trusted knight's height who looked at her with awaiting doe eyes.

She had much height on him, and still did as she squatted to listen close for his words. But that didn't stop her from giving him some assurance than dominance since Jungkook was her soft spot and was now smiling at her innocently.

"I can't promise you that." He looks at her all cheeky before getting flicked with her large fingers in his upper arm bringing a pout to his face. "Ouch! You know, that really hurts when you hit me!"

"Do not go against my words, Kook. I wouldn't mind disciplining you as if your still a child as well as your brother. I also need you to bring your brother here. I need to speak with both of you." She gently scolds ignoring his comment.

"But how would I do that? We both know I'm not able to drag Jeongguk here myself. His giant horse-dog thing listens way better than him even though it's just as aggressive as him!" Jungkook begins to whine as Namjoon, who was forgotten in the back, slaps his forehead.

"That's why I'm sending you to also get the mage tonight that I have chosen. So listen and listen closely. He is young but can give you much guidance. I want you and the mage to capture your brother, without harm done to him, and you all come here to me. I will give you this flower to have the tongue to momentarily control Nula and her only." The goddess forms something within the palm of her hand and that was soon to be in the form of a small red flower for him to take.

But just as he reaches for the small plant, she pulls it back saying, "She can be very disobedient due to her intelligent breed. You must keep calm with her or the commands will not work and break the authority. So eat this flower that I give to you. Do not challenge Nula or respond to her irrationally as she has a high loyalty pedestal for Jeongguk and will protect him. Speak as if you would talk to an infant child to ease her and soon she will be deaf ears to your brother. Understand, Jungkook?" LIRAZ looks at him for confirmation. Jungkook nods now in mission-mode, eyes filled with determination.

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