Chill Pill

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His tunnel vision solemnly on her, moving quickly towards LIRAZ. When close he launches himself towards her yet with LIRAZ's fast reflex. She flicks her arm in a swift motion and something latches onto his face making him yelp from the burning sensation and impact of landing right on the blades of his back with a thud and tumble. Laying on his back he inhales and it felt straight toxic burning his throat and lungs like fire. He suffocated under the mask that covered his nose and mouth trying to pull it off. But it wouldn't.

It cleaved to his head tightly as his demon took over for some seconds making the most scariest pain filled screeching sound echo throughout the room startling everyone. It was like the more he inhaled the more his body constricted clouding his mind with arms locking at his sides as his body shook into a seizure. The guards were about to seize him but the queen stops them knowing they would be rough with him when he clearly needed some type of attention.

She walks over to him and sits on her knees , ignoring the tension in the room, next to his head. He chocked out growls at the sight of her trying to fight off the pain inside of him.

"Jungkook," she calls for him and the man stands up properly from his protective stance seeing his brother on the ground. "Yes?" He had never seen his brother so volnurable that both Tae and Kook started to feel bad for him. But Jungkook quickly masks that up in front of everyone who was shooed out of the room along with the dead bodies.

"Come here." She waved over and he hurries over ready to do anything his queen asks of him. He looks at Taehyung and gets a nod before making his steps closer, just in front of them. LIRAZ stuck her melanin hand out gently grabbing Jungkook's pulling him quickly but softly to knee down also on the other side of his brother's head. "Comfort him. He's only reacting out of impulse and fear trying to fight off this sedative. He needs comfort and I want you to calm him. He's gonna give himself a severe seizure if he doesn't calm down." Her voice comes out stern for Jungkook to hurry. His reaction was like she had grown three heads.

"How am I suppose to do that?" Jungkook looks towards his brother who helplessly shakes with an angry vain pulsing through his forehead.

"Gentle touches. He's scared right now and his mental absense is blocking out everything. Try to get him to hear your voice. His sensitivity is really high right now," she looks at his clawed hands clenching and pieced his palms drawing blood.

"Gguk! Can you hear me? You gotta calm down for us." But nothing seemed to be working as the other glared at the queen through the jerks of his body. It was painful and everything sounded distant around him. Warm hands comb through his hair in a soft manner hearing a voice.

"Gguk! Listen buddy. Your alright. Calm down for me bubs." The voice, looking to where it distantly came from. Jeongguk  looks over with much difficulty seeing his brother. Nula had gotten out of her trance trying to get out of the bound from around her neck. But it wouldn't budge. She whimpered for her owner who suffered on the floor in front of her. She grabs it with her front paws trying to pull it aloose but no success.

Jeongguk couldn't hear anything else but his brother's voice trying to sooth him. But all he can think about is the queen wanting to kill him with the poisoned mask on. His brother kept shushing him softly brushing his blonde locks out of his sweaty face. He didn't want to die yet. As much as he wanted to himself but he wasn't ready yet. He managed to calm himself a little and sees a mirroring bunny smile of his so loving. Even though he knew it was just a cover up of how he really felt, which was nothing for Jeongguk.

But he was volnerable at the moment. He just wanted the mask off his face. Jungkook and LIRAZ noticed his shaking wasn't so bad as it was at the beginning as his body relaxed into the touches uknowingly. A purr sound reverberated from Jeongguk unconsciously welcoming the touches leaning into it more now to calm himself.

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