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Waking up the next morning, Jungkook wakes up with a smile on his face. He was kind of excited to see his brother today. He was so glad he could finally have a mission to capture Jeongguk with an advantage. He was starting to grow tired of looking for him and running up on each other and not dealing with a fair fight due to him have a beast to ride on. He doesn't even know what she is but can't wait to finally have control over the thing. But he was also feeling a little jittery to experience this with Taehyung. He had watch the boy through some of the night before calling it bedtime for them. He just couldn't keep his eyes off the fetching boy. He was disappointed in himself for having some one night stands.

But he wasn't in the right mind then and now finds it disgusting how he lost his virginity already without waiting. Even so, he isn't upset with the skills he picked up from them one night stands though. Coming to realization he didn't see the boy anywhere and decided to look around for him.

He quickly gets himself ready for the day and heads out to the kitchen where Suga was cooking breakfast. His favorite delta. The guy was quite strong actually for a delta falling in their beta ranks within the werewolf pack that stayed within the village to populate. He was actually pretty good with combat and Jungkook had to keep him at his side as they had also grew up together since he was a child to be his right hand man.

"Hey, old man. What's for breakfast today?" A rolling pin was sent flying his way but luckily caught it before it could do any damage to his face. A laugh busts out from Jungkook setting the object down on the countertop beside him.

"Stop calling me that! Anyways there's your food you little shit. I don't need you raging the fridge of this poor bar so this should be okay." The older sets the plate in front of him rolling his eyes and starts eating from his own.

Jungkook digs into the food but stops when Suga clears his throat. The younger looks up seeing the older give him an expected look. "What? If you found something broken it wasn't me it was Namjoon." Was his first response. Suga slaps his forehead at how stupid the younger could be at times.

"So you're not gonna tell me about your new magician?" Suga asks and that's when the lightbulb lit up in Jungkook's head. "Oh, yeah. I met him for the first time yesterday. He's Namjoon's mate's brother. It was a huge plot twist last night when I only came to meet the MAGE the queen sent me to get. But he's gorgeous. His ash blonde hair, perfect nose, he's innocent too, and super goofy compared to anyone I've met besides one of your mates, Hobi." Jungkook explains with a huge blush on his face looking down at his plate of food.

"Sounds like a perfect match compared to how dirty minded you can be. Head is always in the gutter-" "Oh sush! Like you didn't ruin Jimin's innocence I came to find out also last night." Jungkook tries to defend himself.

"And that's where you're wrong. Itwas like he took control of the sex instead of me and Hobi. But he loves the dominance from us though. It's funny." Jungkook's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Yeah, me and Hobi had the same reaction as well."

"Damn, well enough sex talk before I ruin my appetite. What should be our plan. Namjoon said you had to carry out some information to me about my brother during the mission. You want Hobi to come with you or should I protect you?" Jungkook says playfully and mock him with a pout.

He didn't want his brother to suck Suga's blood or soul dry fooling with his brother's behavior to them as Jeongguk had a weird way of having boundaries and wouldn't mind killing a werewolf. He had a bipolar type paranoia around werewolves specifically. Jungkook is head knight of the kingdom's army. They were the best of the best and Jungkook managed to change history and made peace the with the vampire king. He was proud of himself. But he understood how the vampire kingdom can be a little cautious with them and they were starting to accept the peace between the two species.

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