Vulnerable Pain

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"Jeongguk, what are you doing?!"

To be continued...

Jeongguk snapped his head up to whoever spoke seeing Jungkook with two other guards who he took along with him for a search party for the two. Eyes watering but he just leans his head back inhaling and let's out a sigh that did nothing to calm him down.

A smile formed on his face a he stands, a dark one. It had all of them around him on edge when the blonde rolled his shoulders hearing them pop loosely into posture. Feeling the demon churn inside of him in starvation feeling it rumble up his spine forcing itself out through Jeongguk's vulnerability to come say hi.

"Nope, wrong person- well...being," Jeongguk's voice was as gentle with a peculiar glint in his blue eyes that stopped glowing. It sounded nothing like the real Jeongguk. "And I don't think starving him would be any good." He says as a pheromone kicked into the air not even a second later drawing in the two guards that were beside Jungkook. All of a sudden their blood rushed straight to their pulsing memebers which felt almost like a force. Jungkook himself could feel the effect himself but was resisting the urge to step forward.

Taehyung was on the ground also feeling the urge as the feeling felt strong as fuck to back down from. But he scurried away not wanting to get hurt going straight to Jungkook.

"Not only you're starving him, but you're killing my host." The blonde frowns with a cute pout on his face before chuckling darkly.

"What you mean killin your host? Jeongguk?" Taehyung asks nervously looking at the threat anxiously along with Jungkook.

"Yes. Well aren't you smart." It giggles at them before looking towards one of the guards. He quickly steps forward out of mind and common sense standing next to the possessed blonde. "But are you smart enough to never bring tempted company."

"Jeongguk, stop." It snapped hi head back towards Jungkook with an intimidating glare that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"I'M NOT JEONGGUK!!" His eyes glowed brightly and threateningly, the snarl made everyone flinch.

"Then who are you?" Tae grew the balls to ask. This part of Jeongguk he had never seen before. Jungkook hadn't ever seen Jeongguk like this. Possessed by his own demon. No one's seen it happen but the people who've died by his hands....well it's.

"Jeongguk never took the time to name me. His ego isn't very good nor his mentality to want to acknowledge me." Jeongguk's demon says observing the knight he made step forward.

Taehyung's hand itched to sling out the mask but before doing so he wanted to hear what the demon had to say. "How about we give you a name then?"

Jungkook on the other hand stood in a stance ready to switch out his knife or sword. Just in case he had to slaughter his own brother.

"Maybe. We'll figure that another time. I'm hungry." His demonic fangs grew when a smirk formed on Jeongguk's face once again and launching itself onto the knight that stood beside him biting into his neck and rips the flesh off brutally making blood fly everywhere. Nula then comes out snatching the other guard from beside Taehyung and Jeongguk when he pulls out his sword.

Everything was happening too fast. Too much going on at once. Tae and Jungkook then had their eyes fall on Jeongguk lips smashed against the bleeding guards neck consuming his soul in one go. When he pulled away, the body drops dead weight onto the grown as if he aged to the point where decayed. Jungkook takes action charging at him full force sending him flying back.

Possessed, Jeongguk rushes onto his feet and charges back at the larger twin wrapping himself around him and flipped him onto th ground with a thud.

Taehyung was about to jump in when Nula jumps in front of him with a growl grabbing him into a unbreakable hug. The hug resisted him from moving his arm to waver his arms for the spell of the mask.

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