Naming The Being

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It's the fourth day without consuming a soul, having the feeling of a walking corpse. Jeongguk wasn't able to sleep with Jungkook's royal guards pestering him during the night. Especially one named, Cha Eunwoo. Very persistent guy. But he just wasn't interested since he can almost feel the horniness radiate off the man. But he just ignored him so he won't get yelled at by Jungkook. He swears one day his twin will bust a vein in his neck if he continues on.

"Jeongguk, pick up the slack! You're moving slow today!" Hoseok blurts out since the blonde was falling behind. Everyone also turned their heads towards him from the point out and saw him as if he was going to pass out any second.

Just as things couldn't get worse, a zing flew up his spine and so far that only meant one thing.

"Sorry for the other day." Taehyung says moving his horse up next to Nula who didn't pay any mind to the animal sending a pheromone that didn't scare it.

"S-sh-shut up." Jeongguk stuttered out not meaning to but him talking was just not normal for him. He felt like he was talking too much. So, he goes back to being quiet. He notices that Taehyung is a quite curious boy and it's annoying as fuck with twenty million questions being told to you and when you don't answer there's more. He never seen a person so interested in him it's almost suffocating.

"Why? Is it provoking your demon when I annoy you?" Taehyung threw that question straight in his face making the blonde baffled for a second. Though his face never altered it made him want to deck the younger in the face but he just couldn't bring himself to hit his pretty face.

So he just tripped him up.....well his horse. And it caused him to fumble off.

"You asshole!!!" Jeongguk smirks in victory continuing on his way.

"Shit, are you okay?!" Jimin says swooping over to him to help him up since he was flying. They've been walking for a while and his feet hurt.

"No! He tripped me!" Taehyung pouted pointing at the culprit who shrugs his shoulders hopping off Nula, walking away sassily.

"Damn he has a nice ass." Everyone said in a unison including Jeongguk before he shook his head. He looked  and luckily nobody heard him. For some reason he didn't like it as something bubbled in the pit of his stomach

"Get your dickheads thinking straight! We have to keep moving, we're almost there." Jungkook boomed out making everyone nod their heads with a "yes, sir!" being shouted amongst them.

As they got closer they can hear screams and clanks of chains wayyy and far into the distance. Nula and Jeongguk looked down a hill where the noise was coming from as the rest followed crouching down. Jeongguk was also yanked down to crouch next to his brother.

"Is this it?" Namjoon asks as they watch the large creatures slave away other smaller ones into building something with branches and large blocks as if they were making...a door?

"We might need to hurry back to the castle this is far to many for us to take-" Jungkook pauses mid sentence watching as Jeongguk gets ready to saddle himself upon Nula to head down the hill. "Are you fucking crazy or have you lost your mind!?"

Jeongguk was snatched off Nula and jacked up by his collar. "You're gonna compromise everything and we all will die!" Everyone stood around watching as the situation escalate when the blonde hisses with eyes glowing.

"I rather die than suffer here! I'm tired of being everyone's puppet and abiding by rules that is doing nothing but KILLING me!!" Jeongguk eyes glared watching as the ravenette face contort for a moment.

"You look fine. Stop lying!"

"How can I lie when this thing inside causes me to tell sinful truths? Huh? Unless you want to kill me yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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