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"You need to find a lady to be Haruto's mom?" Kou, who happened to be visiting, said as Amane nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah. Think you can help me figure something out?"

"Well... can't say I know a lot about any women around here. I'm not the kind of person to impede them."

"Why don't you pretend to be my mama, Scruffy?" Haruto pointed out, and Kou immediately shook his head, crossing his arms.

"No way! I don't even look convincing as a lady!"

"That's out of the question, then."

Damn it. At this rate, if I don't find someone to be my wife, Operation Strix will be jeopardized. Why does the second entrance exam need a three person interview, anyway?

Amane shut his eyes close, breathing out to calm his nerves. "Ah... guess I'll have to get married, then."



"Have you heard? There was a burglar that snuck into the office last night."

"Is that so?"

"Apparently, they were only after the women's personal data. I'm guessing that this thief's a huge creep."

"Yeah, but Maiko-san, that guy's nothing compared to the section chief. He was totally eyeing me out when I passed by."

"That's why you need to dress more decently, Ayame. Your short skirt's to blame."

"Eh? But Mei-chan, my boyfriend likes it!"

The brown haired woman in glasses rolled her eyes. "You have kids, Ayame. Show some decency."

"Come on! You and Aoi have great figures, you gotta show it off sometime!"

"There's no need to argue, you two." A purple haired woman calmed them down.

Maiko turned to her right. "But what do you think, Nene-senpai? Isn't it creepy or what?"

"...Huh?" Nene, in the entire time she had been mindlessly pouring coffee into her cup, looked up at them confused.

"Geez, Nene-chan, you're always so absent-minded. It's like you live in your own little world." Mei took the coffee pot from her hand before she could accidentally spill everything on the table.

"That's why no guys wanna come near you, you know." Maiko added. Ayame looked at her with a mortified expression.

"N-no need to be so blunt, Maiko-san!"

Nene shook her head. "No, she's right. I always seem to have my head in the clouds. No wonder guys seem to avoid me."

I just have no luck when it comes to men, anyway.

"But if you were a little more fashionable, Nene-senpai, you'd totally be popular."

"Nene-chan already looks fine the way she is, though." Aoi intervened with a smile.

Oh Aoi... if only I weren't cursed with these radish legs of mine, I'd actually have the confidence to even say that kind of thing to myself.

"You're like, 27 already Nene-senpai. Aren't you worried about getting ratted out?" Nene dragged herself from her thoughts when she heard Maiko speak again.

"What do you mean?"

"It seems that there's been a lot of people getting outed as spies these days. Nobody could really do any little thing without seeming suspicious. Just the other day, a lady in her thirties got reported for living on her own!"

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