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It didn't take long for Eden Academy to finally put out the results of the entrance exam. Crowds of people surrounded the three bulletin boards, looking up at their names. Some were cheering upon finding theirs, and some were gloomy when their name didn't show up.

And that second part is especially true with the family of three standing there, with faces that would make you think someone killed their dog or whatever.

"K-212 isn't there."


Inside the confines of a rather strange looking building, a room full of screens provided light to the darkness surrounding the people, most of which were working on communication devices. A man sat in a faraway section of the room, back turned to them and facing a large screen.

"It's today, isn't it?" A woman said, approaching him. He didn't turn his seat around, but his head visibly tilted a little.

"Hm? What is?"

"Have you forgotten sir? It's the exam results for Eden Academy. They're being announced at 1200 hours."

"Oh, you mean that new thing Agent Midnight is dealing with?"

The woman shook her head in disbelief. "Sir, Operation Strix is a vital part in our strategy to ensure peace between the east and west! Please try to pay closer attention towards it!"

A gloved hand waved about dismissively, as the screen before them showed footage of Amane in the park, presumably taken in the day he was chasing that purse thief. "Relax. He knows what he's doing. I'm sure we'll get his report saying 'The cherry blossoms bloom' soon enough."

"And what does that mean, sir?"

"It's a code we borrowed from the orient. It means, 'We passed.'"

Unfortunately for them, that didn't look like to be the case.

We failed. The family thought simultaneously. Amane especially had a pretty obvious look of exhaustion on his face. So all of the commotion from that one time had severely pushed him back to square one, after all.

"Let's... let's just go home."

Sensing the gloominess in the air, Nene spoke up. "O-oh, um, I'll make us some tea again if you'd like!"


Haruto felt like his heart dropped down from his chest, and tears began to well up his eyes. Was this it? Did he really fail? Will he really be separated from his parents for good?

"Wait right there, Yugi." The stern voice of an old man made them stop in their tracks.

"Professor Henderson!"

Henderson took the family behind one of the school buildings, where it was devoid of people that could possibly see them. He handed Amane a sheet of paper.

"This is...?"

"Look at the top of the page."

Huh? Sure... Amane did as he was told. On the very top spot on the list, was Haruto's name. Why was his son's name on it, along with a couple more other names that he realized were other children?

"That is... The waiting list. It's confidential outside the faculty, of course." Henderson answered his unspoken question.

"Waiting list?"

"Precisely. Based off his score, Yugi Haruto is the first on the list to fill in any vacancy. If even one of the accepted students declines to attend Eden Academy, he'll immediately be moved up and enrolled."

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