Chapter Fifteen: Nathan; The Man Who Doesn't Give A Fuck

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Days Ago

Nathan had a moment of weakness, that was all.

Falling in love with his manager, showing his emotions more, advocating for Pickles to talk out his feelings just to have his old buddy back instead of some depressed blob that barely ate- weakness, all weaknesses. Feelings were gay, concern was gay, crying to himself or writing sad songs like some hormonal teenager was gay.

So he slowly began to re-build the walls that Charles had torn down just by existing the way he did, the walls Charles probably never believed had toppled over to begin with.

As far as Nathan was concerned, Charles was gone; a distant memory. Abigail began to notice Nathan's quickly-diminishing disinterest and slight apathy. He went from refusing to let her help because she was a 'woman' (a made-up lie mostly because he just didn't want Abigail to be the one to find him first), to letting her do all the work and pretending not to understand most of her simple requests so he didn't have to do anything.

So Abigail suggested he go start writing his music again, mostly to get him out of the way. He knew that's what it was. He didn't mind. As he was dismissed for the last time from the meeting area, he noticed her giving him a look of sympathy and he made sure to slam the door extra hard. For no reason, of course; it wasn't like he cared much about anything, especially whatever look she gave him.

The audacity of that look, though. There was no reason for it, it wasn't like Nathan was truly WORRIED or anything. It wasn't like he had nightmares of Charles's beaten and bloody body in front of him. It wasn't as if he could be seen wandering the halls with a build-up in his chest that made him cry out as he violently punched walls. Perhaps her worry toward him when there was no obvious need to be concerned, was what pissed him off.

The only thing that concerned him was his peace of mind and a quiet place to brood. Sure, that meant maybe spending time on getting Nathalia a birthday present so that maybe she wouldn't be upset and hunt him down later. Or when checking on Tobias during his supposed heart attack while Toki screamed for help so that people wouldn't ask him where he was later. Or when an entire room blew up and he struggled to run in there to grab his *coworkers* because if he didn't, he'd have looked like a shitty leader.

It definitely wasn't because of any emotions that he wouldn't be able to feel anyway, it was merely out of convenience for him.

So why did Nathan start snooping through everyone's personal lives after everything had calmed down? Well, it wasn't like that, obviously. The information came to him on a silver platter, by people with loud mouths and hard heads.

The first thing Nathan found out about was a conversation between Nathalia and Murderface while the singer was drunkenly trying to wobble back to his room to think about nothing for a few years. He was actually stopped by a loud, demanding, "YOU! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!"

Nathan automatically assumed he was being talked to and started turning the corner where the voice came from when he noticed Murderface stopping dead in his tracks like a deer caught in headlights, giving Nathalia almost a frightened look. He hadn't been at Nathalia's birthday party, rightfully so. Now she was pointing at him with a shaking, drunk finger, a wild look in her eyes.

Nathan turned on his heel and started walking back, not caring about whatever drama she was about to start, when her next words almost made him topple over in astonishment.

"Fuck me!"

"Wh- what?" Nathan choked on his spit but somehow wasn't heard since at the same time, Murderface had sputtered his own reply (unsurprisingly, the same answer Nathan had given).

"You heard me, dumb-ass. I need dick and I don't see any other dick-slinging fucks around here, right? Get the fuck over here!" Nathan peeked around the corner ever-so-slightly in astonishment, for he couldn't believe his ears.

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