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  Ever since I lost him, my life has been the complete worst. He was suppose to love me, care for me and protect me but instead of those things, my mate rejected me. My family tried to help me get through it but he was my other half, you can't live on half a soul. That day was the worst day of my life.


**Betty, Happy Birthday rat!** my brother yelled through a mind link
**Fuck you Andre and thank you** i said as my face got red even tho he could not see it, thank god.

My brother is a pain in the ass but that doesn't stop me from loving him, especially because it's my eighteenth birthday, it's the day i finally get to find my mate, the day i become complete. I ran to the bathroom to take a hot shower, i take a 10 minute shower every day but seeing as it's my day i take an extra 20 minutes to relax.

  As i exited the bathroom i brushed my teeth and did my hair. I settled on beach waves today then i walked into my closet to find my daily outfit

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(AN: the above picture is her outfit)

Being satisfied with my outfit i ran down stairs with the biggest smile on my face to be greeted by my mom and brother also smiling at me. I frowned at the realisation tphat someone was missing.

"Where's dad?" I asked
"He went on a run this morning, he should be back any moment now" my mom reassures me.
" What's for breakfast?"my brother asked
At that same moment my alarm on my phone went off singnalling that wep  were later for school.
"No time, we'll be late and i need a ride"

My brother lives in the pack house with his beta Simon and Crystal my bestfriend. They always begged me to move in with them but i decided to stay with my prarents at home, it was a five minutes walked from the pack house where we meet simon and crystal every morning for school.

We kissed our mother good by and got into my brothers ferrari 488 GTB. We head straight to the pack house, i got out of the front seat for simon to replace me and got in the back with crystal and we headed to school already late.

"Are you excited lizzy, its your first day in a new school and you eighteen so you might find your mate?" Andre sqeeled.

honestly i'm terrified of newschools, the stares are endless but at least i have my bestfriend there with me.

"yeah kinda, do you think he'll like me guys?" I ask shyly

Crystal hugged me and nodded he head and that made me smile, knowing that my bestfriend thinks so i have confidence. With that thought we pulled up at the school.

Eachother's Second chancesWhere stories live. Discover now