The morning after

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The breakfast was over, so Sam took you to his room to give you some clothes because you still were just in Tom's shirt.

- I can't believe you really did it, Y/n. Why Tom?! Couldn't have you pick someone else?

- Well, Tom is really hot tho, so nope. And if you are not agree go argue with a wall


- Oh Sam, but I'm sure you wanna know some details from that night

*closing his ears with his palms*


- Huh such a boy, aren't you

You answered putting Sam's shorts on, smiling triumphantly. After being fully clothed you went to the first floor and then turning to the kitchen to say the goodbyes to Tom and Haz.

Sam *rolling his eyes* :
Come on Y/n, get out of here already

- Hey hey hey, treat her gently!

Tom said standing up from the table

- Shut up Tom, you are the last person I can take seriously now.

- But it doesn't mean you can do it to her! You really will let her go home and that's it?

- I mean.. yeah?

- I'll drive you home

Tom said wiping lips with the back of his hand looking at you.

- Oh, um, thank you

You said as a light smile appeared on your face.

- On my god okay, but promise me you guys won't do it ever again, okay?

- I can't promise anythiiing

You answered as Tom opened a door for you.


- Let's play a game?

Tom offered as you set in the car

- Um sure, which one?

- How about truth or dare?

- Fine, who goes first?

- The ladies first

- Alright, truth or dare?

- Let's start with the truth

- Okay um.. Have you ever been caught by any of your brothers before?

- Yep. Many, many times

He smirked

- Truth or dare Y/n?

- Let me be a badass a little bit more, dare.

- Remember, you always can resist. How 'bout pretending to be my girlfriend and tease Sam?

You stopped for a second looking at him like he is crazy. Well, yeah, you had a night together, but it's way too much

- As I told, you don't have to do it. I just thought you would like to make fun of him, according to the fact that we have a perfect 'story' to prank him

Damn, he definitely knew what to say. I adored pranking your friends and it would be the biggest thing you've ever done.

- Or maybe you are.. afraid of it?

Another thing which always make you take the challenge

- Me? I'm never afraid of anything. Yep, let's do it.

Tom turned away but you could see him smiling

- Okay. But you should know one thing.. Which Sam probably didn't tell you about

- What's it?

- Our family go to Italy together

- Um.. and that's it? You scared me, I thought about

- It's not the end. Sorry for cutting you off, but. Uh, I told my mother that I will go there with my girlfriend and they will finally meet and

- Wait, so you want me to go there meet your mum, dad and others? But we decided to prank Sam, not the whole family

- Y/n, pleeeese I really need it! I promise we will brake up after the trip. If you don't want to be with me anymore of course 😏

- Oh get out of you

You chuckled and hit his shoulder playfully

- Ouch! So, are you with me?

- In all meanings, Tommy😂

- Thanks darling, you really saved me

- Huh, I know, dork. But I have one condition

- Anything for you

- Well..






I need some time to process it🤠

So you really want me to go on a trip with a guy you barely know and you agreed to be his girlfriend just because you hooked up yesterday?


Oh c'mon, don't describe it like this! Don't you wanna go abroad for free with handsome guys?


Nope Y/n, you got me wrong


Lol, finally😅 I was wondered if something happened to you.


- Take your friend with us and go to ITALY for free?!

- Yep.

- Y/n, don't you think that's way too much?

- Well, if you don't want a girlfriend then it's fine..

- OKAY okay. But then I have my conditions as well

- Go ahead

Tom's smirk scared you a little bit

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