A fiancee?

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Haz's POV


Paddy yelled rushing into my room literally making me and Y/n jump in the air. He definitely broke the atmosphere so the desire to tell Y/n the truth dissapeared.

- What?

I asked while he was breathing heavily and he was clearly scared.

- I just was in Tom's apartment. All of his clothes and stuff are gone. His suitcase is not here as well. He doesn't answer any of my calls nor messages

Me and Y/n exchanged the glances. A shade of fear darkened her eyes, but it was pretty obvious that she was still offended at Tom, so she tried her best not to show the true emotions. She crossed arms on chest and her red lips pouted. God even according the conditions I could not stop admiring her.

- Any ideas where he can be?

Paddy tried to stop the awkward silence as
Y/n leaned back on the bed clearing her throat letting us know that she didn't want to continue that conversation. Or it's better to say the monologue. Paddy pursed his lips curving an eyebrow as I nodded to the side of the doors frame, offering him to talk outside of the room. He took a step in understanding, waiting for me pass. Exiting I closed the door carefully. It was already the time after the middle of the night, so I didn't want to disturb anyone.

- Paddy, listen. I'll text him and I'll try to find him as fast as possible. Don't tell anyone about Tom, it won't help. And Nikki definitely will not be able to sleep to the rest of the night. Don't talk to Y/n about it as well, as you see she is not in the mood. Just- just go sleep, okay?

- Haz, we are leaving today in the morning! Are you sure you'll manage to find him? I could help you

I put both hands on his shoulders

- Don't worry, okay? I'll be in time. And no, I don't  need your help, thank you. Go back to your room right now.

He nodded again.


- Where are you going?

Y/n asked when I entered the room again, heading to the cupboard to take my backpack with me

- I need to find him

She rolled her eyes clenching her jaw.

- This selfish idiot who doesn't care about anyone, so why would you care about him? He will come back very soon in anyways, why do we need to go out in the middle of night and look for him?

- Stop it, he is not that bad.

- He used me!

- What do you mean by "uses" didn't you agree to play his girlfriend?

She lowered her head playing with her fingers.

- You know.. Uhm.. He doesn't love me. I mean yeah we didn't plan to catch feeling but.. I just thought that actors can't play love that realistically, you know? I believed he liked me. But apparently.. I was wrong

She raised her head looking me right in the eyes. Her iris were shining in the warm light. It seemed like it was a really hard thing to tell. A tear fell down her slightly pink cheek.

- Anyways. *wiping the tears with the back of her hand*
You wanted to tell me something?

I sighed as she pulled her legs closer to the chest and wrapped her hands around them, placing the head on her knees.

- Yes. Uh. Please, don't be mad, I know that I'm an idiot.

She licked her lips curving them in a grin. I definitely should stop thinking about her beauty. I took a step closer taking the place next to her.

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