The very first day

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Oh c'mon, don't describe it like this! Don't you wanna go abroad for free with handsome guys?


Nope Y/n, you got me wrong


Lol, finally😅 I was wondered if something happened to you.


- Take your friend with us?!

Tom looked at you with his eyes wide open.

- Yep

- And go to ITALY for free for literally no reason?!

- Yep

- Y/n, don't you think that's way too much?

- Well, if you don't want a girlfriend then it's fine..

- OKAY, okay. But then I have MY conditions as well

- Go ahead

Tom's smirk scared you a little bit

- First of all no pet names. We can call each other darling, honey, baby, and nothing else. Second: you will really act like my girlfriend without looking at other guys and without. Third: we are going to make up a story of our meeting and stuff, and you will learn it, alright?

- Deal. So, where did we meet?

- I'm sure we met on the stage and you immediately fell in love with me

- Calm down, we've been dating for some minutes now and you already get on my nerves

- Oh, so you confirmed that we are dating?


You quickly realized that it will be a really. Really long trip.

There were 7 hours left before the fly to Italy. Tom would pick you up and then you would meet everyone at the airport.
You spent many hours doing your hair and putting on the make up. Tom came to your flat already and he was going from corner to corner of your bedroom waiting for you.

- And so, my hair and makeup is done, now it's outfit time.

- Y/n, are you kidding me? You told me that you are ready!

- Listen, you wanted a girlfriend? Here you are, I'm preparing to meet your parents, so wait.

You turned back to the mirror as he throw his hands up and then land them down helplessly, yelling at you without a sound.

- You know that there is a mirror right in front of me, right?

You asked looking at him through the same mirror you were talking about.


Finally you both arrived to the Airport. You immediately noticed a big group of people: a red-head woman were checking somethin on the tickets and showing it to the man standing next to her. A cute red-head teenager had a fight with a curly-hair guy which is obviously was Harry. You didn't notice Sam at first, but then you saw your best friend Vikki chating with him. You raised an eyebrow. Sam? Talking to an alive girl? Without sneezing at her accidentally? Wow, that's something new. And what happened to Vikki? Where was your confident, always organized young lady?

- is it Vikki?

Tom asked, you nodded as a response

- Wow, she is really cute,

You hit Tom a little bit

- Hey, you've already got a girlfriend, you are taken! Or you want me to act weird in front of your mother?

The red-head woman raised her head up and
noticing you waved you both.

- Hey mum, hey dad

Tom hugged his parents

- Here she is, as I promised. Y/n. She is my girlfriend.

You look at the right side a little bit and you could tell Sam's jaw dropped down to the floor.

- Oh, nice to meet you Y/n, we've been waiting for this moment

- Yeah, we noticed that Tim has someone long time ago, but he didn't want to introduce us her. And now we are happy to see you

You hugged Nikki and Dom and suddenly you felt someone pulling you closer from the back.

"Yeah, she is so happy as well"

Tom pressed you to his chest messing your hair up with the other hand.

- Oh, darling, your hair is a little bit messy, I'm sorry

He commented and you could hear the sarcastic thing in there really clearly.

- That's fine, darling.

You said as Tom did it again.

- Yep. She likes when I mess her hair up

Tom's family looked at you with a question in their eyes, but they didn't ask anything.

- Yes, darling, I do like it.

You smiled at him squeezing your hands tight together and a totally fake smile appeared on your face

- I know that you like it, darling, don't you?

You asked Tom with the same smile. He squeezed his eyes shut

- Yep, I absolutely adore it.

- Hey, you two! Maybe you would like to stop playing these stupid games and we will go to the plain already?

Fortunately Sam broke that chain so all family started making their way to the gate.
You all had so much fun together on ybe plain. It turned out that Paddy was so cute and funny, and Harry wasn't annoying. Sam was really offended at you so you didn't talk, but you knew the things would work out after you land. The funniest and the most stupid thing at the same time was the competition between you and Tom. The competition could have a name like "who will get on nerves to the other faster" and Tom was winning so far. But then you found it: when you called him "darling" without a reason it annoyed him so much so that what you did for the whole flight straight.

-Did you take our suit case, darling?

You asked Tom for the 7th time as he came up to you with 10 of your suitcases

- You mean a house which you brought with us? Sure, dArLiNg

- I'm happy you did DARLING


- Are you two alright?

Harrison asked and you realized that he had been staying there for some time already.

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