The decision

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Harrison walked in.

- What's up, mate?

I asked as he stared at me

- What's your decision?

- About what?

- Oh don't play a fool, you know what I'm talking about. About Y/n.

That was surprising.

- Haz, I still do have some hours to think and-

- No. No you don't. Say what you have on your mind right now, I can't  wait anymore.

That's it. I needed to tell him the truth. Making myself whisper as if Y/n could hear me even through the sound of the water I said:

- Haz, I can't just let her go like this. She is more then just a friend now. And I'm sorry, I really do want to apologize for it but-.

He looked really schocked by my words. Apparently he didn't see that coming.

- But you have to leave! Tom, I fucking love her

- So do I.

- Tom, let's be honest here. You will always get a pretty girl in anyways. You are a fucking famous actor, okay? Girls always fall for you. You wanted to leave her some days ago.
And you don't love her the way I do.

- Yes, Haz. We both know this thing about your love. And you know that your love is unhealthy. You are obsessed with Y/n, that's different from love.

His palms turns into the fists

- Then choose, Tom. Me or Y/n. Use the hours which are left.


Y/n's POV

Wrapping the towel above your chest and holding another one drying your hair you came out of the bathroom. You were looking for Tom, but the only thing you found was the note, which was laying on the table. Tucking the wet stand of your hair behind the ear you read the sentence one the paper.

Hey, dArLinG, I'm downstairs in the hall. Meet you on the family dinner.
                             Tom xx

He is such a dork. You smiled to yourself. It was a thing which kinda annoyed you, but after living  with him you kinda got used to it, so now it was something cute.
Anyways you put on a white dress which Victoria gave you, the  apply some casual make up and made a messy bunch at the tom of your head.
After making yourself sure that all the lights are switched off you closed the door and started going downstairs. On the halfway down you saw a dark figure staying near the doorframe out of the coridor. You slowed your steps

- Hello?

The man turned to you. Thanks god.

- Oh, Haz, you scared me

You sighed in relief.

- Wow, Y/n, you look really gorgeous in this dress!

- oh thanks :)

You blushed a bit as Haz gulped and started making his way up to you. A weird feeling and anxiety unexpectedly appeared.

- Actually, Y/n, I wanted to talk about one thing with you.. ah

- Okay, go ahead

You tried to look him in the eyes but he kept looking down.

- Since I know that thing about you and Tom I- you know I don't  mind it, but it's not real

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