when you need help with maths | all members

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- looks disgusted when you mention maths
- can't help you with a single thing
- still tries though because he doesn't want to disappoint you
- calls Jiung for help
- wraps his arms around you while you're listening to Jiung's explanation
- you stare at each other the whole time, both confused
- you end up ordering takeout and vibing to his playlist
- "I mean at least we tried..."


- tries to make you solve the problem first alone
- tries to make you understand what you're doing
- fails, he's not a teacher after all duhh
- says you're hopeless and starts to do the work by himself
- lets you rest your head on his lap while he's doing your homework
- plays with your hair for the whole time
- softly sings for you after, just to make you feel better


- freaks out about you finding your maths homework hard
- explains the whole thing to you over and over again
- won't let you go until you finish your homework
- makes you actually do the work and understand it
- promises you hugs if you can solve the problem
- laughs at your disgusted expressions and tries to make maths fun for you
- gives you loads of cuddles after all, because even though he isn't really into it, he's still proud of you


- "you sure you don't want to call Jiung instead?"
- tries to teach you simple dance moves to remember things
- fails because you end up staring at him
- would 100% steal kisses
- gets confused over your homework too
- cries with you over the fact that you're both dumb
- watches dramas with you instead


- asks you to do the homework together first
- tries to help you as much as he can
- you end up planning your next date together
- lets you tell him loudly what you had already learned while he's watering his plants
- calls Jongseob in the end to help both of you
- after finishing your homework you play games with him and Jongseob


- is about to ask you to play games with him when he sees that you're struggling
- offers his help immediately so that you could hang out later
- "do you want to copy mine? Just don't make it too obvious!"
- lets you copy it after all
- brings you snacks endlessly and kisses your head everytime he walks past you
- you play games together after you finished copying his notes while you two eat all of the snacks that he found for you

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