stars | Jongseob

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member: Jongseob
genre: fluff/romantic/cute
number of words: 400

"That's my favourite constellation!"

You watched him raise his left hand towards the sky while he kept his right one on your knee. And the reason for that was...what was it exactly? One of his great habits was to hit something, or in your case someone while laughing so he might have left his palm on your leg accidentally. Whatever happened, you didn't mind.

"I love it! Actually, I love to watch the stars." you mumbled, taking a half-burnt marshmallow out of the flames.

"Especially during the summer, right?"

The fact that during the summer break you could stay out with him all night to watch the stars, was more than enough for you, even if you were only allowed by your parents to sit on the balcony. You never needed more.

You nodded with a smile sneaking up on your face. From the corner of your eye it was quite easy to see him staring at you even while keeping your gaze on the sky. You never told him, but everytime you noticed him staring in silence your heart fluttered a little bit.

"What is it?"you pushed his shoulder slightly.

"It's you."

He leaned down to lay his head on your lap and grabbed your hand, drawing stars on it. His hair tickled your thighs and he himself took up all of the place not only on the balcony but in your mind too.

"It's always you."he added.

Holding your breath in fear of ruining the moment, you waited for him to continue.

"Even if I don't want it, I'm always drawn to you. I just can't control it and I have to admit, it makes me feel so vulnerable sometimes."

Slowly, you ran your fingers through his hair.

"Other people..." he shifted his gaze from the sky to your face again. "...they keep watching the stars every single night in hopes of seeing some type of sign."

For a few seconds only his breath could be heard.

"Did you know that the stars we're seeing are probably all dead by now?"

"That's how we see the past, when we look at them, right?"you recalled what you've heard as a child.

"Exactly. That's why I like to look at you instead."

Your eyes widened.

"When I look at you, I don't only see my past, but I see my present and my future too."

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